جامعة دمياط
يسعدنا فى البوابة الإلكترونية مشاركتكم بإرسال ملاحظاتكم عبر البريد الإلكترونى portal@du.edu.eg

Selection of Expert Team

  • منح دراسية
  • 09.10.2023
  • 2745


The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research now invites proposals by a firm to provide the team of experts to offer technical support for Capacity Building for Joint Implementation for Egypt-Japan Education Partnership: Human Resource Development Project (EJEP-HRDP).

Please see the linked details with the invitation letter and Request for Proposals with detailed requirements and application forms.

Expected timelines are the following:

Application open:                                            12 October 2023

Accepting clarification of the call:              30 October 2023

Application submission deadline:              23 November 2023

Result announcement:                                  21 December 2023

Commencement of consulting service:  18 January 2024

Duration of service:                                        Approximately 3 years

Inquiries and submission of application:

  • egyptcesb@tokyo.email.ne.jp : Embassy of Egypt Cultural Bureau in Tokyo
  • casm@cdm.edu.eg : The office of First Under-Secretary of Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research now invites proposals by a firm to provide the team of experts to offer technical support for Capacity Building for Joint Implementation for Egypt-Japan Education Partnership: Human Resource Development Project (EJEP-HRDP).

Please see the linked details with the invitation letter and Request for Proposals with detailed requirements and application forms.

Expected timelines are the following:

Application open:                                            12 October 2023

Accepting clarification of the call:              30 October 2023

Application submission deadline:              23 November 2023

Result announcement:                                  21 December 2023

Commencement of consulting service:  18 January 2024

Duration of service:                                        Approximately 3 years

Inquiries and submission of application:

  • egyptcesb@tokyo.email.ne.jp : Embassy of Egypt Cultural Bureau in Tokyo
  • casm@cdm.edu.eg : The office of First Under-Secretary of Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Selection of Expert Teamجامعة دمياط | البوابة الالكترونية
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