Damietta University


News Calendar

Excellence 9

The President of the University 13.02.2018 27306



      On Tuesday 13/2/2018 prof, Dr.El Sayed Mohamad Dadour the president of the university met a group of distinguished young administrative staff of the university. First, Dr Dadour welcomed the attendees as and he accompanied them to watch the new University Council Hall and office of the president.

Then, they went to under- construction university new buildings. During the meeting ,Dr.Dadour asserted that the next period will be devoted to young people in the university because they represent energy and hope ; and more equipped to use modern technology more than other generations. He said that The university needs creative thinking .

At the end, he decided to give a reward of 400 pounds for all the administrative staff of the university in appreciation of the effort exerted, which resulted in an improvement in the university's performance.



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