Damietta University


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The President of the University welcomed the delegation of the students participating in the African Youth Week

The President of the University 31.10.2019 9430

                On Thursday 31/ 10 / 2019,  Professor  Dr. El Sayed Mohamad Dadour the president of the university welcomed the delegation of the students participating in the  first African Youth Week which was held at Aswan University . That's to honor them for getting advanced positions and their honorable representation of the university. Where the University won the third place and a bronze medal in sports activity in table tennis and also  the third place and  a bronze medal in cultural activity, short films. Dr. Dadour thanked them for their honorable representation of the university, He also thanked the students' care staff for the good preparation and sponsorship of the delegation. At the end of the meeting, the president of the university  gave a memorial pin and took some memorial photos with them .


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