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The University President welcomed visiting Canadian mathematician

The President of the University 13.06.2019 27907

    On  13 / 6 / 2019 professor Dr. El Sayed Mohamad Dadour the president of the university welcomed professor Dr. Mori Ronald Breminer - professor of Pure Mathematics, University of Saskatchewan, Canada who came to Egypt as a visiting professor of Damietta University to lecture at the mathematics department ,Faculty of Science and to develop a work plan for joint research with Damietta University. This visit comes as a part of the exchange of experiences between the University of Damietta and the international universities for the development of scientific research and supporting cooperation with international universities and pioneers. Professor Breminer's visit to the university is expected to continue for a month. Professor Dr. Tarek M. Abou  Elmaaty – the vice President for Education and Students' Affairs, professor Dr. Wael Al Tybany – the dean of the Faculty of Science , professor Dr. Hassan Al Morshedy  - Head of Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science and professor Dr.Hadeer Al Gendy - assistant professor, Mathematics Department , Faculty of Science attended the meeting . 


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