Damietta University


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Scholarships from University of Studies in Udine

Scholarships 01.07.2019 1284

      University of studies in Udine , northern Italy reported that the registration is started to get scholarships for the academic year  2019/2020 for PhD  specializations shown on the website of the University.

For more details :-

Ø  https://www.uniud.it/en/research/research-doctorate/phdstudies/admission/ph.d.-call

Ø  https://www.uniud.it/en/research/research-doctorate/phdstudies/admission/ph.d.-call-1

The dead line for submitting is  Wednesday  ,10/7/2019  , 2 : 00 pm. Italy .

The central administration of missions doesn’t defray any expenses for these scholarships .


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