Damietta University


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The President of the University welcomed the students of the" University Girls Week"

The President of the University 03.03.2020 27959

      On Tuesday 3 / 3/ 2020 professor  Dr. El Sayed Mohamad Dadour the president of the university welcomed the delegation of the university students participating in the  " University Girls Week" which was held at Fayoum University on the first of last February. In the presence of , professor  Dr. Wael Al Tibany - the vice president for Education and Student Affairs, and Director General of Student Welfare at the University. The president of the university welcomed the attendees and thanked the students for the good representation of the university, wishing them success in the activities in which they participate and also in their studies.

He also thanked all employees of the General Administration of Student Welfare for the distinguished role they play in serving university students in order to present their best in competitions with other universities and their access to advanced positions


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