Professor Dr. Hemdan Rabie Al-Metwally, President of the University, participated in the Supreme Council of Universities holding its regular meeting, today, Saturday, headed by Professor Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in the presence of Dr. Mustafa Refaat, Secretary of the Council, and the Council’s members, at the headquarters of Suez University.
The Minister of Higher Education directs:
- Continuing the efforts of universities to implement the “Bedaya” initiative in various geographical regions.
- Universities continue their efforts to implement the “Tamkeen” initiative to raise awareness of the rights and duties of students with disabilities.
- Maximizing the use of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank to make the most of its unique and enormous potential for learning and training.
The Minister of Higher Education praises:
- Successful organization of student union elections in universities and institutes.
- Inclusion of 27 Egyptian universities in the first edition of the Times' International Ranking of Interdisciplinarity.
The Council thanked Suez University, headed by Dr. Ashraf Hanigal, University President, for hosting the meeting of the Supreme Council of Universities.
The Council congratulated Dr. Sabreen Gaber on her appointment as President of Luxor University, wishing her continued success and the university further progress and prosperity.
Professor Dr. Ayman Ashour praised the various and systematic efforts of universities in implementing the presidential initiative “A New Beginning for Human Building,” and the universities’ provision of many diverse services in various geographical regions. Universities launched many development convoys in various parts of the Republic to serve citizens, directing the need to continue implementing the initiative, in order to activate the role of universities in serving society and developing the environment at the level of all governorates. The Minister appreciated the efforts of universities in implementing the “Empowerment” initiative, which the Ministry is implementing in cooperation with the global “Givers of Hope” campaign, to raise awareness of the rights and duties of students with disabilities within Egyptian universities, and to provide them with equal opportunities. Pointing out the importance of intensifying work to provide integrated services to these students, organizing various summit events and forums, as well as intensifying cooperation with local and international partner institutions and bodies. To ensure the provision of support and care to them, he pointed out that a major international celebration will be organized at the end of the final phase of the initiative in the seventh region in the city of Luxor, with wide international participation, next December. The Minister stressed that the Ministry adopts a supportive policy for innovation and scientific research, as it supports the transformation of scientific research into innovations and value-added products that achieve a positive impact at the societal and economic levels, stressing the importance of universities benefiting from the outcomes of scientific research to come up with competitive products that achieve a tangible material impact, to contribute positively to supporting industrial community and national economy.