Damietta University


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Health Insurance and Medical Care Card

Student Services 26.11.2012 5523
  • After being enrolled, the student gets health insurance and medical care card which remains with her/him during his enrolment at college. The student should hand it to the college after graduation.

  • The student can use it to see a doctor or has a surgery. S/he should first head straight to the medical administration at his/her faculty to do all what is necessary.

  •  The student pays 25 piasters as an accident insurance fee, and this fee is included in the tuition fees.

  • If the student dies in an accident or is badly damaged and becomes a handicapped, Misr Insurance Company pays £1000 according to the insurance policy between Damietta University and Misr Insurance Company.

  • Insurance Claiming Procedures:

  • The parent claims on the insurance through filling a form at the faculty.

  • The faculty sends the form in addition to the following documents to the general administration for student affairs:

  • A report of the accident as well as an official copy of the police report. 

  • A statement from the faculty that the student has paid the tuition fees including insurance fees, pointing out the number and date of the tuition fees voucher or receipt (

  • The police attitude about the record

                      - Death Certificate

                     - Sharia Inheritance Claims

                     - The Medical Examiner’s report 

- After the general administration of student affairs reviews these documents, the insurance money is sent for each heir. 


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