The Cultural Attaché at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Arab Republic of Egypt refers to the King Salman International Prize for Disability Research ,the King Salman Center for Disability Research organizes its third session to encourage researchers and scientists in the field of disability, supporting local, regional and global efforts aimed at enriching science and knowledge in various fields of disability research and enhancing the environment of intellectual creativity and scientific excellence in the field of disability to ensure finding ways and alternatives that lead to the reduction of disability and mitigate its effects on persons with disabilities.
Note: - the nomination for the award is in one of the following branches: -
- Medical and Health Sciences
- Educational and Psychological Sciences
- Rehabilitation and social sciences
- Technical applications in the fields of disability
To view all the conditions for the award, through the website
Or contact
The deadline for submitting the aforementioned award is July 23, 2021.