Damietta University


Wednesday 19 March 2025 | 19 Ramadan 1446

News Calendar

March 2025

News Archive

18 September
The President of the University

Damietta University welcomed a delegation from AMIDEAST and the American agency

             Today, September 18, 2024, Professor Dr. Hemdan Rabie Al-Metwally, President of the University, received a delegation of representatives of the

18 September
The President of the University

The university president witnesses the defense of a master’s thesis at the College of Arts

Today, September 18, 2024, Professor Dr. Hemdan Rabie Al-Metwally, President of the University, witnessed part of the discussion of the

17 September
The President of the University

8 scientists from Damietta University are among the Stanford top 2%

               The emergence of 8 scientists from Damietta University in various scientific fields, according to a study by Stanford University, which

16 September
Cultural Affairs

the 9th Young Scientists Forum

"What was received from the Head of the Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector at the Ministry of Higher Education regarding the 9th Forum for Young Scientists in the BRICS group and the 7th

14 September
The President of the University

The President of the University congratulation on the Prophet’s birthday

               Professor Dr. Hemdan Rabie Al-Metawaly, President of the University, extends his heartfelt congratulations to the representatives, the deans

12 September
The President of the University

The University President welcomed the former Minister of Higher Education

        Professor Dr. Hemdan Rabie Al-Metwally, President of the University, this afternoon, September 12, 2024, welcomed Professor Dr. El-Sayed Ahmed Abd Al-Khalek, Professor

9 September
The President of the University

The University President inaugurates a psychological counseling course for imams and preachers

               Today, September 9, 2024, Professor Dr. Hemdan Rabie Al-Metwally, President of the University, inaugurated the psychological counseling and

1 September
Cultural Affairs

The 16th Hope Meeting in Japan

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) announces the 16th HOPE Young Researchers Meeting in Yokohama, Japan, from March 9-13, 2025. The application conditions: The

1 September
Cultural Affairs

African Forum in Ghana

UPSA invites you to attend the QS Africa Forum in Accra, Ghana, from 9th to 10th September. This year’s forum theme is “Empowering Africa’s Youth: Integrating

1 September
Cultural Affairs

Scholarships from Mexico

  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID), affiliated with the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced the

1 September
Cultural Affairs

The Sixth International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Various Fields

        What was stated by Prof. / Alaa Abdel Wahed Abdel Bary - Vice President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport for Graduate Studies and

1 September
The President of the University

The university president inspects the maintenance and restoration work of the girls’ University City

          In continuation of the follow-up of the maintenance and restoration work of university cities, Professor Dr. Hemdan Rabie Al-Metwally, President of the

1 September
Postgraduate Affairs

The meeting of the Scientific Research Ethics Subcommittee

         "The meeting of the Subcommittee on Research Ethics for the Basic Sciences Sector (Faculty of Science - Faculty of Agriculture) was held today, Sunday,

29 August
The President of the University

The University President met with the heads of departments of the College of Applied Arts

             Within the framework of the keenness of Professor Dr. Hemdan Rabie Al-Metwally, President of the University, to periodically and continuously

29 August
The President of the University

Beginning studies in the “Computer Teacher in English” program

              Damietta University announces the start of study in the Bachelor of Specific Education degree program in “Computer Teacher in the English

27 August
The President of the University

The University President welcomed a delegation from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

           Professor Dr. Hemdan Rabie Al-Metwally, President of the University, received this morning, August 27, 2024, a delegation from the Food and Agriculture

25 August
Cultural Affairs

Strengthening cooperation with Russia, Czechia and Hungary

   What was received from Prof. Mostafa Refaat - Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities regarding the correspondence received from the Presidency of the Council of

25 August
Cultural Affairs

The Third International Conference for Basic and Applied Sciences, Al-Azhar University

  What was received from  Prof. Mahmoud Siddiq - Vice President of Al-Azhar University for Postgraduate Studies and Research regarding the announcement of the organization of the Faculty

25 August
Cultural Affairs

The 16th Hope Meeting in Japan

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) announces the 16th HOPE Young Researchers Meeting in Yokohama, Japan, from March 9-13, 2025. The application conditions: The

25 August
Cultural Affairs

The Egyptian Japanese Scientific Cooperation Program

The application submission deadline is September 3, 2024, at 2:00 PM in Egypt.  For all conditions and registration, please visit the following

25 August
Cultural Affairs

"Medical Specialization Scholarships" AMEXCID 2024

          The statement received from Prof. / Mostafa Refaat, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Universities, regarding the report from the Embassy of Mexico in

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