Damietta University


News Calendar

News Archive

12 November
The President of the University

The university president welcomed the music and choir team at the university

    On Tuesday 11/ 11/ 2019 Professor Dr. El Sayed Mohamad Dadour  the president of the University welcomed Professor Dr. Osama Zedan – the dean of the Faculty of Specific

11 November
The President of the University

Appointment of two general managers at the university

           On Monday  11 / 11 / 2019, Professor  Dr. El Sayed Mohamad Dadour the president of Damietta university decided to appoint Professor/ Ayman

10 November
Cultural Affairs

The Best App Award in (IT).

The Association of Arab Universities announce about The Best App Award in the field of Information Technology (It means any application or project helps The Association of Arab Universities to

9 November

King Faisal prize for serving Islam

The nomination for King Faisal Prize for servicing Islam is started for the year 2021/1442 . the prize aims to serve Muslims in their present and future, urged them to participate in all fields of

8 November
Cultural Affairs

International Computer Auditing Competition 2019/2020

The Association of Arab Universities in cooperation with the Canadian Association for Computer Auditing announced the International Computer Auditing Competition 2019/2020 (CAAT)"compete to

4 November
The President of the University

The President of the University inaugurates the Space Research Center and its applications

            Due to the role of the university in enriching the scientific research system and with the aim of uniting the efforts of research groups in the different

4 November
Cultural Affairs

The Fourth Industrial Revolution Conference & Education Role

    The Federation of Arab Universities in collaboration with the Gulf Conference Organization announced holding a scientific conference entitled “The fourth industrial revolution

4 November
Cultural Affairs

Bluenotes conference for Middle East and North Africa 2019

Zayed University is honored to host Bluenotes conference for Middle East and North Africa 2019 on 5-6/11/2019 at Zayed University , United Arab Emirates, University branch in

31 October
The President of the University

The President of the University welcomed the delegation of the students participating in the African Youth Week

                On Thursday 31/ 10 / 2019,  Professor  Dr. El Sayed Mohamad Dadour the president of the university welcomed the delegation of the

30 October

Starting the electoral process

     The nomination process is started for the University Students Union’s elections, the Students who wish to be nominated must fill the application at the following

30 October
The Office of the President

Cooperation between Damietta University and the British Council in Cairo

         In the pursuit of the University of Damietta to improve the global ranking of the University by benefiting from international expertise in the field of scientific

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