Damietta University


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9 March
Cultural Affairs

The Egyptian-French Cooperation Program STDF

 The Science, Technology and development Funding Authority (STDF) announces starting the applying for the Egyptian-French Cooperation Program, a post-doctoral scholarship (tenth session), for

9 March

Scholarships offered by the University of Uzbekistan

 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports that the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan announces the educational scholarships for postgraduate programs

9 March
Cultural Affairs

The International Francophone Institute Scholarships

The International Francophone Institute of the National University of Vietnam in Hanoi is pleased to hold the Scholarship Program for the year 2023-2024 Scholarships shall be in: Master in

9 March
Cultural Affairs

Academic exchange program in the field of modern art with the University of Malta

        What was received from Prof. / Head of the Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector at the Ministry of Higher Education regarding the message that our embassy in Malta

9 March
Cultural Affairs

المؤتمر السنوي الثاني للدراسات العليا للعلوم التطبيقية جامعة بنها

What was received from Prof. / Nasser El-Gizawy - Vice President of Banha University for Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs regarding the announcement of the second annual conference for

2 March

Extending the registration period for the participating students" Future Scientists 6"

       The Organizing Committee of the Sixth Scientific Student Conference (First International) "Future Scientists 6" for students in Egyptian governmental and

27 February
The President of the University

The university president welcomed the former president of Al-Azhar University

              Today, Monday, February 27, 2023, Professor Dr. El-Sayed Mohamad Dadour, President of the University, welcomed Professor Dr. Mohamad Hussein

26 February
Cultural Affairs

Courses to learn The Swedish language

The Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Stockholm reported that the Swedish Institution Online Swedish.org is currently implementing a project presented to universities all over the world to

25 February

Innovators support fund competition

        Within the framework of the state's constant endeavor to support innovation and entrepreneurship, and the Ministry of Higher Education's keenness to continue

21 February
The President of the University

Damietta University implements a comprehensive convoy in cooperation with the universities of East Delta

          Today, Tuesday, February 21, Damietta University organized a comprehensive convoy, which was implemented by the East Delta Universities Alliance: Damietta, Suez

19 February
The President of the University

The university president inaugurates the second festival for student families

            Today, Sunday, February 19, 2023, Professor Dr. El-Sayed Mohamad Dadour, President of the University, inaugurated the activities of the second festival

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