The University President concludes the activities of the first forum for graduates of the College of Computers


       Today, May 9, 2024, Prof. Hemdan Rabie Al-Metwally, President of the University, concluded the activities of the first forum for graduates of the College of Computing and Artificial Intelligence, first batch 2022/2023, which was organized by the College of Computing and Artificial Intelligence under the leadership of Prof. Wael Abd Al Kader, Dean of the College, and which was held over two days under the title “After Graduation.” “What will you do?” in cooperation with the university’s Professional Development Center. It is worth noting that the forum was held with the participation of a group of major local and international companies in the technological field, namely the Egyptian Academy for Industrial Apprenticeship, “the official sponsor of the forum,” Code Clouders, Gulf Terminal, Microsoft Egypt, the Information Technology Institute of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (ITI), and Keep. solution, Ruqa Software Company, Qtech Company, Asset Technology Group Company, Al-Alameya Al-Hurra Company, the Egyptian Company for the Development of Educational Technologies.

The forum came up with several recommendations, including:

The importance of understanding market needs and key market needs.

Prepare for the software market.

Why you should go into web development

What are the current specializations in the web field (Front-end, Back-end, and Javascript full stack)

 Intrinsic motivation versus extrinsic motivation.

Develop a growth mindset.

Information Technology Institute (ITI) services such as (9-Month Scholarship, 3-Month Scholarship, Summer training).

Information technology job opportunities provided by ITIDA (Full stack developer, Cloud engineer, AI specialist, Software developer)

Criteria for choosing a job in the IT field (Attitude, Ability to learn, Quality of work, Achievements, Discipline, and communication skills)

Prof. Wael Abd Al Kader Awad, Dean of the Faculty of Computing and Artificial Intelligence at the University, thanked Prof. Hemdan Rabie, President of the University, for his constant support for the Faculty of Computing and Artificial Intelligence, the partners of the forum and the support they provided to the students, the Egyptian Academy for Industrial Apprenticeship, the official sponsor of the forum, and the members of the University Center for Professional Development, headed by Dr. Tarek Al-Orbany, Director of the Center, for the fruitful cooperation to produce the forum optimally, and the Students for Egypt family for its good organization of the forum over the two days, and the members of the College of Computing and Artificial Intelligence for their abundant effort in organizing the forum.


The University President concludes the activities of the first forum for graduates of the College of Computersكلية العلوم - جامعه دمياط
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