nouvelles archives

Programme Imhotep 2026


    As part of the activation of the Egyptian-French scientific cooperation program (Imhotep), implemented between the Egyptian Ministry of Scientific Research and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the Academy of Scientific R

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Appel à projets égypto-espagnol pour la recherche, le développement et l'innovation 2025


        The Science, Technology, and Innovation Funding Authority (STDF), in collaboration with the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology in Spain (CDTI), announces opening the applications for the 9th Call

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Lancement du premier appel à projets pour le programme de partenariat à long terme entre l'Union européenne et l'Union africaine


      The Science, Technology, and Innovation Funding Authority (STDF), in collaboration with the European Union (EU), announces the launch of the first call for the Long-Term EU-Africa Partnership on Research and Innovation i

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La plateforme numérique Mawada est désormais disponible à l'Université de Damiette


       Based on the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities and in cooperation between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Ministry of Social Solidarity, under the supervision of Prof.

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Bourses offertes par le Centre international de génie génétique et de biotechnologie


    The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology announces several grants offered by the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) for the year 2025-2026. This comes as part of the collaboration between

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Le portail électronique lance le site Web du Centre de développement de carrière de l'Université


     The E- portal of Damietta University has launched the new website for the University Career Development Center as part of its plan to upgrade all university center websites. This initiative follows the directives of&

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Concours du Sommet de l'Innovation Media Misr


   The Science, Technology, and Innovation Funding Authority (STDF), in collaboration with the French Embassy in Egypt, announces opening of Call (11) for the 2025 Postdoctoral Fellowships. This program is aimed at Egyptian researchers

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Concours du Sommet de l'Innovation Media Misr


        Under the patronage of prof. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Fund for the Care of Innovators and Geniuses has opened registration for the Media Egypt Innovati

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Lancement du nouveau site Web du Centre de services aux étudiants handicapés


  The Electronic Portal of Damietta University has launched the new website for the Student Disability Services Center, as part of its plan to develop all center websites across the university. This initiative aligns with the

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