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Damietta University Sport's Day celebrates the liberation Day of Sinai

Student Welfare 23.04.2018 23118

           The Sports Activity Department at the Public Administration –Damietta University with cooperation with the faculty of physical Education and under the auspices of prof.dr./El Sayed Mohamed Dador –the university president and prof.dr./Tarek Mohamed Abu El maati the university vice president for Education &Students Affairs ,organized  Sport's  Day for the university students to celebrate Sinai liberation Day on Monday 23/4/2018 at the faculty of Physical Education. With the presence of the university president , prof.dr./Mohamed Abu Shawareb -  the dean of the faculty, dr./Mohamed Heikal – the general coordinator of students activities , a group of faculty staff members  and students . The sports day includes a lot of sports games (  Judo, boxing, volleyball, basketball  and mini games).

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