Université Damiette

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Registration in the Egyptian Knowledge Bank

News 30.04.2022 8800

        The digital library project invites faculty staff members and researchers at Damietta University to register on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank website, it is required that registration for the first time be from inside the university by using the university’s internet, and using the website after registration from anywhere. Subscription to the site is done by entering through its link, which is https://www.ekb.eg/

Then choose the word "register now" and choose faculty members and researchers at the university, the researchers portal  https://www.ekb.eg/web/guest/register/

The data required for registration is the individual's name, e-mail, mobile number, date of birth and national number, in addition to information about the job. After entering this data, the terms of using the bank are approved. The pointer is pressed on the icon to register.


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