Université Damiette

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The University President inspects the facilities of the College of Science in preparation for international accreditation

The President of the University 17.11.2024 23503

          As part of the College of Science’s preparations to receive the delivery committee for the project to qualify laboratories for international accreditation, Professor Dr. Hemdan Rabie Al-Metwally, President of the University, made an inspection visit today, November 17, 2024, to the buildings of the College of Science and its central laboratories. The visit aimed to follow up on the final preparations for the project “Microanalysis Laboratory for Air and Climate Change Research” (code LP12-071-DMT), in preparation for the project’s deliverables to be received by the Projects Department of the Ministry of Higher Education, as the project aims for the laboratories to obtain international accreditation from the Authority. Nationalism to ensure the quality of education and accreditation. The University President was accompanied on the inspection tour by Professor Dr. Muhammad Abdel Hamid Shehab, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, Professor Dr. Muhammad Imran Wadi, Director of the Center for Quality Assurance and University Performance Evaluation, Dr. Ahmed Al-amal, Head of the Civil Engineering Department at the College of Engineering, and Eng. Hanan Al-Halafawi, Director General of Engineering Affairs. At the university. They were welcomed by Professor Dr. Mohammad Abu Dobbara, Dean of the College of Science, and Professor Dr. Abd Al Hamid Khedr, former Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs. This visit comes within the framework of the university's commitment to enhancing the quality of scientific research and ensuring the availability of an advanced academic environment that meets international standards.


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