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إيمان جابر درويش الحديدي
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Fractional squashed entanglement and its efficiency
Fractional Quantum Network
Exploring the Impact of Endoscope, Jeffrey Fluid, Magnetic Field, and Separated Flow on Peristaltic Motion in Non-Uniform Tubes
The quantum communication efficiency of the fractional anti-Jaynes–Cummings model
Two-qubit Heisenberg XYZ dynamics of local quantum Fisher information, skew information coherence: Dyzaloshinskii–Moriya interaction and decoherence
New properties of a pure bipartite system in presence of dissipative environments
Controlling steady-state entanglement and quantum discord through squeezing angle
On the orbital stability of pendulum-like vibrations of a rigid body carrying a rotor
On the Orbital Stability of Pendulum-Like Vibration of a Rigid Body Carrying a Rotor
On the Orbital Stability of Pendulum-Like Vibration of a Rigid Body Carrying a Rotor