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Efficiency response of vermicompost and vermitea levels on growth and yield of eggplant (Solanum melongena, L.)
Organic watermelon production by smart agritechnique using organic fertilizers, vermitea levels and Amf in poor nutrients soil
Organic summer squash production using chicken manure, compost and AMF for enhancing soil fertility
Response of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) to plant compost, kitchen wastes and chicken manure composted with PGPR microbes as Bio-Organic fertilizers
Clean Agritechnique Efficiency Using Compost, Halex-2 and Seaweed on Yield and Quality of Okra
Efficiency impact of chicken manure and its tea under chemical NPK fertilizers regime on yield and quality of Molokhia (Jew’s mellow)
Organic tuber potato production by aerobic compost tea, beneficial microbes, chicken manure and plant compost
Response of Strawberry to Different Organic Fertilizers Application under Irrigation Levels
Organic Cowpea “Vigna unguiculatea” Production by Smart Agritechnique of Organic Fertilizers Mixture” OFM” and Vermitea Levels and Beneficial Microbes “BM”