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Nonlinear dust acoustic waves in a self-gravitating and opposite-polarity complex plasma medium
Gravitoelectrostatic excitations in an opposite polarity complex plasma
Dust acoustic cnoidal waves in a polytropic complex plasma
Quasi-periodic and chaotic structure of Alfvén waves in a plasma containing double spectral distributed electrons
Dynamics of dust-ion acoustic cnoidal and solitary pulses in a magnetized collisional complex plasma
Solar wind implication on dust ion acoustic rogue waves
Dust acoustic solitons in a positively charged dust plasma with regularized-κ distributed electrons in the presence of generalized polarization force
Response to “Comment on ‘Quasi-periodic and chaotic structure of Alfvén waves in a plasma containing double spectral distributed electrons’”[Phys. Plasmas 30, 084703 (2023)]
Exploring the dynamics of the heavy magnetized dusty plasma in laboratory experiments and solar wind interaction with lunar terminator: Theoretical predictions into the role of …
Formation of Alfvénic supernonlinear waves in a plasma containing double spectral distributed electrons