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رودانيا محمد رشاد عبد الرحيم حسن
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رودانيا محمد رشاد عبد الرحيم حسن - صفحات أعضاء هيئة التدريس | جامعة دمياط
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The theory of interpersonal behavior and its role in explaining Farida Kahlo's psychological condition: How psychological artistic influences fashion design
Reviving Egyptian Heritage: Printing Designs of Arab Caftan through Sublimation Printing to Achieve Success in Marketing and Sales”
Exploring the Influence of Cosplay on Men's Fashion: A Design-based Marketing Perspective
Transformation Fashion Style used in innovating contemporary Baroque styled fashion
Impact of Origami techniques on Children's behavior as fashion Designs’ consumers
Sustainable Thinking in Design An Integrated Practical Approach between Fashion Design and Hanging Textiles Printing Design
Impact of Origami techniques on Children's behavior as fashion Designs’ consumers
Monitor some of the Oscars' Fashion Designs and Redesign Them with an Egyptian Identity
Lateral Thinking As Input For Fashion Design's Creativity
Cairo Heritage In Naguib Mahfouz Literature As An Inspirational Source Of Original Haute Couture Fashion
Sustainable Thinking in Design: An Integrated Practical Approach between Fashion Design and Hanging Textiles Printing Design