- | Formation of Alfvénic supernonlinear waves in a plasma containing double spectral distributed electrons |
- | Nonplanar dust acoustic waves in a four-component dusty plasma with double spectral distributed electrons: modulational instability and rogue waves |
- | Dust acoustic solitons in a positively charged dust plasma with regularized-κ distributed electrons in the presence of generalized polarization force |
- | Ion-acoustic solitons oblique collisions in a magnetized ultra-relativistic degenerate plasma at critical compositions and nonzero temperatures |
- | On the generation of ion-acoustic super-periodic waves in ultra-relativistic degenerate quantum plasma |
- | Bifurcation analysis of ion-acoustic superperiodic waves in ultra-relativistic dense plasma |
- | Super rogue waves at Venusian ionosphere and mantle |
- | Structures of dust-ion acoustic waves in the lunar dark side induced by interaction with Earth’s magnetosphere |
- | Response to “Comment on ‘Quasi-periodic and chaotic structure of Alfvén waves in a plasma containing double spectral distributed electrons’”[Phys. Plasmas 30, 084703 (2023)] |
- | Fully nonlinear dust-ion-acoustic excitation in Jupiter ionosphere |
- | Cnoidal and solitary dust ion-acoustic waves in Jupiter ionosphere |
- | Nonlinear shocklike, soliton, and periodic dust-ion-acoustic waves in Jupiter ionosphere |
- | Role of solar wind on the ionic escaping from Venus upper ionosphere via plasma wakefield |
- | Evidence of oblique electron acoustic solitary waves triggered by magnetic reconnection in Earth’s magnetosphere |
- | Quasi-periodic and chaotic structure of Alfvén waves in a plasma containing double spectral distributed electrons |
- | Stability of ion-acoustic solitons in a multi-ion degenerate plasma with the effects of trapping and polarization under the influence of quantizing magnetic field |
- | Dust-acoustic solitary and periodic waves in magnetized self-gravito-electrostatic opposite polarity dusty plasmas |
- | On the propagation of electrostatic wave modes in the inhomogeneous ionospheric plasma of Venus |
- | Three-dimensional rogue waves in earth’s ionosphere |
- | Investigation of dust ion acoustic shock waves in dusty plasma using cellular neural network |
- | Three-dimensional modulational instability of dust acoustic waves in the presence of generalized (r, q) distributed electrons |
- | Effect of streaming velocity, magnetic field, and higher-order correction on the nature of ion acoustic solitons in the Venusian ionosphere |
- | Rogue Waves in a Weakly Relativistic Warm Plasma with Non-extensively Distributed Electrons |
- | The Role of Superthermal Electrons on the Escaping Ions From The Upper Atmosphere of Titan And Venus |
- | Effects of double spectral electron distribution and polarization force on dust acoustic waves in a negative dusty plasma |
- | Oblique collision of ion acoustic solitons in a relativistic degenerate plasma |
- | A comprehensive probabilistic analysis of approximate SIR‐type epidemiological models via full randomized discrete‐time Markov chain formulation with applications |
- | Stability of obliquely propagating 3D solitons in magnetized plasma with nonthermal distribution |
- | Modulation of the nonlinear ion acoustic waves in a weakly relativistic warm plasma with superthermally distributed electrons |
- | Shock waves in magnetized electronegative plasma with nonextensive electrons |
- | On the formation of nanostructures by inducing confined plasma expansion |
- | Nonlinear dust acoustic waves in a self-gravitating and opposite-polarity complex plasma medium |
- | Ion escape from the upper ionosphere of Titan triggered by the solar wind |
- | Interpretation of localized surface nano-structures |
- | On the numerical solution of nonplanar dust-acoustic super rogue waves in a strongly coupled dusty plasma |
- | Gravitoelectrostatic excitations in an opposite polarity complex plasma |
- | Face-to-face collisions of bright and dark ion acoustic solitons in superthermal electrons for different geometrical configurations |
- | Head-On collision of electron-acoustic solitons in a magnetized plasma |
- | Cylindrical three-dimensional dust-ion acoustic propagation in plasmas |
- | Ion-acoustic Gardner solitons in multi-ion degenerate plasma with the effect of polarization and trapping in the presence of a quantizing magnetic field |
- | Solutions of nonplanar KP-equations for dusty plasma system with GE-method |
- | Shocklike soliton because of an impinge of protons and electrons solar particles with Venus ionosphere |
- | Bifurcation analysis for ion acoustic waves in a strongly coupled plasma including trapped electrons |
- | Solutions of variable coefficients CKP equation for Dusty Plasma System with-expansion method |
- | Soultions of variable coefficients CKP equation for dusty plasma system with G/G-expansion method |
- | Dust acoustic cnoidal waves in a polytropic complex plasma |
- | Collision of dust ion acoustic multisolitons in a non-extensive plasma using Hirota bilinear method |
- | Modulated ion acoustic waves in a plasma with Cairns-Gurevich distribution |
- | Development of cnoidal waves in positively charged dusty plasmas |
- | On the super freak waves in multicomponent plasmas having two-negative ions: Xe+− F−− SF 6− and Ar+− F−− SF 6− plasmas |
- | Stability of dust acoustic wavepackets suffering from polarization force due to the presence of trapped ions |
- | Dust− ion acoustic freak wave propagation in a nonthermal mesospheric dusty plasma |
- | Wave propagation in strongly dispersive superthermal dusty plasma |
- | Two solitons oblique collision in anisotropic non-extensive dusty plasma |
- | On the freak waves in mesospheric plasma |
- | Nonlinear phenomenon in nanostructures creation by fast cluster ions |
- | On the super freak waves in multicomponent plasmas having two-negative ions: Xe 2 F 2 2 SF6 2 and Ar 2 F 2 2SF6 2 plasmas |
- | Nonlinear ion acoustic ring solitons in a multicomponent plasma with superthermal electrons: Propagation and collision |
- | Three dimensional clyindrical Kadomtsev Petviashvili equation in two temperature charged dusty plasma |
- | Solar wind implication on dust ion acoustic rogue waves |
- | Ion acoustic solitary waves in degenerate electron-ion plasmas |
- | Nonlinear structures for extended Korteweg–de Vries equation in multicomponent plasma |
- | Nonlinear structures: Cnoidal, soliton, and periodical waves in quantum semiconductor plasma |
- | Stability of three-dimensional obliquely propagating dust acoustic waves in dusty plasma including the polarization force effect |
- | Nonlinear electromagnetic waves in a degenerate electron-positron plasma |
- | Rogue waves lead to the instability in GaN semiconductors |
- | Instability of nonplanar modulated dust acoustic wave packets in a strongly coupled nonthermal dusty plasma |
- | Evolution of rogue waves in dusty plasmas |
- | Modeling of nonlinear envelope solitons in strongly coupled dusty plasmas: Instability and collision |
- | Effect of dust-charge fluctuations on dust acoustic solitary waves in an inhomogeneous dusty plasma with nonextensive electrons |
- | Higher-order corrections to nonlinear dust-ion-acoustic shock waves in a degenerate dense space plasma |
- | Nonplanar dust acoustic solitary waves in a strongly coupled dusty plasma with superthermal ions |
- | Opposite polarity dusty plasma expansion in Earth’s mesosphere |
- | Oblique collision effects on nonlinear quantum dust-acoustic solitary waves in magnetized dense dusty plasmas |
- | Dust-acoustic rogue waves in a non-extensive plasma |
- | Head-on collision of ion-acoustic solitons in an ultracold neutral plasma |
- | Cylindrical and spherical soliton collision of electron-acoustic waves in non-Maxwellian plasma |
- | EI El-Awady, H. Rizvi, WM Moslem |
- | Magnetosonic rogons in electron-ion plasma |
- | Propagation and oblique collision of ion-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized dusty electronegative plasma |
- | Nonlinear wave propagation of large amplitude ion-acoustic solitary waves in negative ion plasmas with superthermal electrons |
- | Nonplanar solitons collision in ultracold neutral plasmas |
- | Stability of three-dimensional dust acoustic waves in a dusty plasma with two opposite polarity dust species including dust size distribution |
- | Ion-acoustic super rogue waves in ultracold neutral plasmas with nonthermal electrons |
- | Modulational instability of dust acoustic solitary waves for variable-charge dust grains in an ion beam–dusty plasma |
- | The interaction of two nonplanar solitary waves in electron-positron-ion plasmas: An application in active galactic nuclei |
- | Head-on-collision of modulated dust acoustic waves in strongly coupled dusty plasma |
- | Large-amplitude dust-ion acoustic solitary waves in a dusty plasma with nonthermal electrons |
- | The impacts of dust size distribution on the head-on collision of quantum dust-acoustic solitary waves in ultradense astrophysical objects |
- | Solitons and double-layers of electron-acoustic waves in magnetized plasma; an application to auroral zone plasma |
- | Ion-acoustic double layers in magnetized positive-negative ion plasmas with nonthermal electrons |
- | The interaction between two planar and nonplanar quantum electron acoustic solitary waves in dense electron-ion plasmas |
- | Interaction of ion beam with dust grains produces dust-acoustic solitary waves in Herbig-Haro objects |
- | Quantum electron-acoustic solitary waves interaction in dense electron-ion plasmas |
- | Rogue wave in Titan’s atmosphere |
- | Head—on collision of nonlinear dust—acoustic solitary waves in dusty plasmas with dust of opposite polarities |
- | Nonplanar dust ion-acoustic solitary and shock excitations in electronegative plasmas with trapped electrons |
- | Dust-acoustic rogue waves in a nonextensive plasma |
- | Arbitrary amplitude dust acoustic solitary waves in a dusty plasma with an ion beam |
- | Propagation of three-dimensional electron-acoustic solitary waves |
- | Fully nonlinear solitary waves in a dusty electronegative multispecies plasmas |
- | The dust ion acoustic waves propagation in collisional dusty plasmas with dust charge fluctuations: Effect of ion loss and ionization |
- | Plasma with two-negative ions and immobile dust particles: planar and non-planar ion-acoustic wave propagation |
- | Langmuir Shock Pulses in a Rotating Electron‐Positron‐Ion Magnetoplasma |
- | Nonlinear dynamics associated with rotating magnetized electron–positron–ion plasmas |
- | Three-dimensional instability of dust ion-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized dusty plasma with two different types of nonisothermal electrons |
- | On the characteristics of the interaction between two dust-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized dusty plasma and two-temperature ions |
- | Three-dimensional cylindrical Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation in a dusty electronegative plasma |
- | Nonlinear Langmuir structures: Soliton and shock in a rotating weakly relativistic electron-positron magnetoplasma with stationary positive ions |
- | Linear and nonlinear quantum dust ion acoustic wave with dust size distribution effect |
- | On dust ion acoustic solitary waves in collisional dusty plasmas with ionization effect |
- | Propagation of three-dimensional ion-acoustic solitary waves in magnetized negative ion plasmas with nonthermal electrons |
- | Erratum to “Head-on collision of quantum ion-acoustic solitary waves in a dense electron–positron–ion plasma”[Phys. Lett. A 374 (2010) 960] |
- | Nonlinear electrostatic excitations in a weakly relativistic electron-positron-ion rotating magnetoplasma (vol 16, 102305, 2009) |
- | Erratum:" Nonlinear electrostatic excitations in a weakly relativistic electron-positron-ion rotating magnetoplasma"[Phys. Plasmas 16, 102305 (2009)] |
- | Head-on collision of dust-acoustic solitary waves in an adiabatic hot dusty plasma with external oblique magnetic field and two-temperature ions |
- | Head-on collision of quantum ion-acoustic solitary waves in a dense electron–positron–ion plasma |
- | On the stability of obliquely propagating dust ion-acoustic solitary waves in hot adiabatic magnetized dusty plasmas |
- | Nonlinear electrostatic excitations in a weakly relativistic electron-positron-ion rotating magnetoplasma |
- | Effects of two-temperature electrons, external oblique magnetic field, concentration of charged dust grains and higher-order nonlinearity on dust ion-acoustic solitary waves in … |
- | The effect of dust size distribution on quantum dust acoustic wave |
- | Dust-ion-acoustic solitary waves in a two-temperature electrons with charge fluctuations in a dusty plasma |
- | Ion thermal double layers in a pair-ion warm magnetized plasma containing charged dust impurities |
- | Dressed ion-acoustic solitons in magnetized dusty plasmas |
- | Nonlinear wave modulation of cylindrical and spherical quantum ion-acoustic solitary waves |
- | Effects of two-temperature electrons, external oblique magnetic field, and higher-order nonlinearity on dust acoustic solitary waves in a dusty plasma with vortex-like ion … |
- | Dust-acoustic solitary waves in a two-temperature electrons with charge fluctuations and nonisothermal ions |
- | Higher-order Zakharov–Kuznetsov equation for dust-acoustic solitary waves with dust size distribution |
- | Effect of second ion temperature on modulation stability of dust-acoustic solitary waves with dust charge variation |
- | Nonlinear electron-acoustic waves with vortex-like electron distribution and electron beam in a strongly magnetized plasma |
- | Effects of two-temperature ions, magnetic field, and higher-order nonlinearity on the existence and stability of dust-acoustic solitary waves in Saturn’s F ring |
- | Higher-order contribution to obliquely nonlinear electron-acoustic waves with electron beam in a magnetized plasma |
- | Critical density solitary waves structures in a hot magnetized dusty plasma with vortexlike ion distribution in phase space |
- | Modified extended tanh-function method and its applications to nonlinear equations |
- | Higher order solution of the dust ion acoustic solitons in a warm dusty plasma with vortex-like electron distribution |
- | Obliquely propagating electrostatistic solitary structures in a hot magnetized dusty plasma with vortex-like electron distribution |
- | On the higher-order solution of the dust-acoustic solitary waves in a warm magnetized dusty plasma with dust charge variation |
- | Exact travelling wave solutions for a diffusion–convection equation in two and three spatial dimensions |
- | New exact solutions for a generalized variable coefficients 2D KdV equation |
- | Dust acoustic solitary waves and double layers in a dusty plasma with two-temperature trapped ions |
- | Effect of dust-charge variation on dust acoustic solitary waves in a dusty plasma with trapped electrons |
- | Åström, JA, see Linna, RP 158 (2004) 26 |
- | Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation for dust acoustic solitary waves in a warm dusty plasma with dust charge variation |
- | Dust acoustic solitary waves and double layers in a dusty plasma with trapped electrons |
- | Effects of trapped electron temperature, dust charge variations, and grain radius on the existence of the dust-ion-acoustic waves |
- | Modulational instability of a weakly relativistic ion acoustic wave in a warm plasma with nonthermal electrons |
- | Exact travelling wave solutions for the generalized shallow water wave equation |
- | Dust acoustic solitary waves and double layers in a dusty plasma with an arbitrary streaming ion beam |
- | Two new applications of the modified extended tanh-function method |
- | Critical density solitary waves structures in a hot dusty plasma with vortex-like ion distribution in phase space |
- | Group classification and symmetry reduction of variable coefficient nonlinear diffusion–convection equation |
- | Modified extended tanh-function method for solving nonlinear partial differential equations |
- | Higher-order contributions to dust-acoustic waves in a magnetized dusty plasmas |
- | Cylindrical ion-acoustic waves in a warm multicomponent plasma |
- | Solitary solution of Alfvèn wave propagation |
- | Ion-acoustic solitary waves in a weakly relativistic warm plasma at the critical phase velocity |
- | Propagation of ion-acoustic solitons in a warm ion-beam—plasma system |
- | Weakly relativistic effect on the modulation of nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in a warm plasma |
- | Modulation of the non-linear ion acoustic waves in a plasma consisting of warm ions and isothermal electrons |
- | Contribution of higher-order nonlinearity to nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in a weakly relativistic warm plasma. Part 2. Non-isothermal case |
- | Contribution of higher-order nonlinearity to nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in a weakly relativistic warm plasma. Part 1. Isothermal case |
- | Ion-acoustic solitons in a warm plasma including negative ions in the vicinity of critical density |
- | Nonlinear ion-acoustic solitons in a warm plasma with adiabatic positive and negative ions and hot non-isothermal electrons |
- | Modulation of ion acoustic waves |
- | Radiative transfer in media with cylindrical symmetry |
- | Higher-order correction to the two stream instability |
- | A linear theory of electron flow in A Pierce |
- | Surface heat current in an inhomogeneous slab with reflecting walls |
- | Anisotropic radiation transfer with reflecting boundary conditions |
- | The heat flux calculation for the laser-fusion problem |
- | Oscillatory nonlinear electron flow in a Pierce diode using Lagrange transform |
- | Multiple-scales method for nonlinear wave modulation |
- | Two-stream instability in the presence of longitudinal magnetic field |
- | Particle escape probability from spherical geometry |
- | Chandrasekhar'sX- andY-functions |
- | A contribution to the study of optical properties of cylindrical step-index fibres |
- | The non-linear two-stream problem-a new approach |
- | Generation of Ion-acoustic Super-periodic Waves in Ultra-relativistic Degenerate Quantum Plasma |
- | Alfarama Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences |
- | Balikhin, MA, 136 Baluku, TK, 50 Bingham, R., 7 |
- | Alfarama Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences |
- | EPJ Plus |
- | Propagation of Solitary Ion Acoustic Waves In a Weakly Relativistic Warm Plasma: Isothermal Case |