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عبد الحكيم أبو الفتوح عبد النبى
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Arbitrary maximally entangled quantum prisoner’s dilemma
Influence of diamond and silver as cavity resonator wall materials on resonant frequency
EM wave propagation within plasma-filled rectangular waveguide using fractional space and LFD
Influence of the Asymmetry of the Strategy Spaces on the Properties of the Quantum Prisoner’s Dilemma
Separated Flow Through a Gap Between Two Coaxial Peristaltic Tubes
A Novel Algorithmic Approach using Little Theorem of Fermat For Generating Primes and Poulet Numbers in Order
Effects of bivariation viscosity and magnetic field on trapping in a uniform tube with peristalsis
A new explicit algorithmic method for generating the prime numbers in order
Creeping flow of Phan-Thien–Tanner fluids in a peristaltic tube with an infinite long wavelength
Effects of Inclined Magnetic Field on a Fluid with Non‐linear Variable Viscosity in a Uniform Tube with Peristalsis
Hydro‐magnetic Flow Effects in Uniform Tube Through Peristaltic Motion for Generalized Newtonian Fluid on Trapping
Slip effects on peristaltictransport of Power-Law fluid through an inclined tube, Applied Mathl
Slip effects on peristaltic transport of power-law fluid through an inclined tube
Effects of a magnetic field on trapping through peristaltic motion for generalized Newtonian fluid in channel
Hydromagnetic flow of generalized Newtonian fluid through a uniform tube with peristalsis
Separation in the flow through peristaltic motion of a Carreau fluid in uniform tube
Hydromagnetic flow of fluid with variable viscosity in a uniform tube with peristalsis
Hydromagnetic flow of fluid with variable viscosity in a uniform tube with peristalsis
Effects of a fluid with variable viscosity and an endoscope on peristaltic motion
Electromagnetism, Optics, Acoustics, Heat Transfer, Classical Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics-Effects of a Fluid with Variable Viscosity and an Endoscope on Peristaltic Motion
Effects of an endoscope and generalized Newtonian fluid on peristaltic motion
Peristaltic motion of generalized Newtonian fluid in a non-uniform channel
Peristaltic Motion of an incompressible generalized Newtonian fluid in a planar channel