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The impacts of ecological factors on prevalence, mean intensity and seasonal changes of the monogenean gill parasite, Microcotyloides sp., infesting the Terapon puta fish …
Contribution of Babesia to the illness of cows in Port Said Governorate, Egypt
Abundance and annual distribution of freshwater snails and some trematode cercariae at Damietta Governorate, Egypt
. Surface topography of the anterior adhesive apparatus of gill monogenean parasite Diplectanum sp.Diesing, 1858, with some surface criteria
Mode of attachment and histopathological impacts associated with the parasitic copepod Lernanthropus kroyeri infesting gills of the sea bass fish, Dicentrarchus labrax in Egypt
Some helminth parasites of mugilid and sciaenid fishes from Mediterranean Sea in Egypt
Four trematodes from marine fishes in Egypt
Prevalence and mean intensity of three monogeneans infesting the gills of the mugilid fish Liza ramada
Some diplectanids of certain marine fishes from Mediterranean Sea, Egypt
Investigation of the genetic polymorphism of interleukin-10 gene in rheumatoid arthritis patients in Egypt
Structural and Functional Observations on the Appendages of Gill Parasite, Lernanthropus Kroyeri (Copepoda: Lernanthropidae) Infesting the Sea Bass Dicentrarchus Labrax
Redescription of Lernanthropus kroyeri (Copepoda: lernanthropidae) infesting gills of sea bass fish (Dicentrarchus labrax) from Egyptian Mediterranean waters
Studies on EGG Morphology of Ligophorus imitans and L. Parvicirrus (Dactylogyridea: Ancyrocephalidae) and egg development, hatching mechanism and anatomy of the oncomiracidium …
Studies on the helminth parasites of some marine fishes at Damietta Province
Morphology and anatomy of egg and oncomiracidium of the monogenean gill parasite Diplectanum aequanus
Mode of attachment of a polyopisthocotylean parasite, Metamicrocotyla cephalus to the gills of Mugil cephalus through the study of haptoral compartments
Population Dynamics of the Monogeneans, Diplectanum Aequans and d. Laubieri and the Copepod, Lernanthropus Kroyeri Infesting the Gills of the Sea Bass, Dicentrarchus labrax in …
Mode of attachment and histopathological effects of the monogenean parasite, Calceostoma calceostoma, on the gill filaments of the wild meagre drumfish, Argyrosomus regius.
Description of two monogenean parasites, Microcotyle aegypticus N. SP. and Microcotyle pomatomi infesting the gills of the marine fish, Pomatomus saltatrix in Damietta region …
Morphological study of Sciaenophilus pharaons (Copepoda: Caligidae) with Redescription of the female, Infesting Megare Fish (Argyrosomus regius) in Egyptian Mediterranean waters
Distribution, mode of attachment and pathology associated with the copepod parasite Scianophilus pharaonis infesting the meagre drumfish, Argyrosomus regius in Egypt
Intensity of some intestinal parasites infecting the maculated toad, Bufo regularis in Damietta governorate, Egypt
Spermiogenesis in the monogenean gill parasite, Cichlidogyrus halli typicus (Monopithocotylea, ancyrocephalidae)
In Vitro effect of two plant extracts on the tegument of the Monogenean gill parasite, Cichlidogyrus halli typicus and the gill of its host fish Oreochromis niloticus, using …
Observations on the egg and the oncomiracidium of the monogenean gill parasite Diplectanum lacustris Thurston and Paperna, 1969, from the Nile perch, Lates niloticus in Egypt
Lethal effects of praziquantel and albendazole, on the cercariae of Echinochasmus sp.(Dietz, 1909) in-vitro
Reproductive Biology of Pseudonereis anomala (Nereidae: Polychaeta) from The Barge Canal, Damietta, Egypt
Comparative Topography and Ultrastructure of the Tegument in a polyopisthocotylean parasite (Metamicrocotyla cephalus) and a monopisthocotylean parasite (Dactylogyrus extensus)
Ultrastructure of the filtering apparatus and protonephridial capillaries of a monogenean gill parasite Dactylogyrus extensus (Dactylogyridae)
Morphology of Sciaenophilus pharaonis (Copepoda: caligidae) with a redescription of the female, infesting meager fish (Argyrosomus regius) in Egyptian Mediterranean waters
Distribution, mode of attachment and pathology associated with the copepod parasite Sciaenophilus pharaonis infesting the meager drumfish, Argyrosomus regius in Egypt
On the effect of extracts from Ottelia alismoides plant on the monogenean Cichlidogyrus spp. Infesting the gills of cichlid fishes inhabiting Damietta branch of the River Nile
Host-parasite studies on two diplectanid monogeneans infecting the Marine fish Dicentrarchus labrax in Egypt
Mansöura University, Damietta, AR Egypt.
Zoology Department–Damietta Faculty of Science–Mansoura University–New Damietta–Egypt. Key Words: Parasitic copepod–Lernanthropus kroyeri–Dicentrarchus labrax–Attachment–Pathology.
Surface topography and ultrastructure of the tegument of a monogenean gill parasite, Diplectanum lacustris of a freshwater fish, Lates niloticus
Redescription of the parasitic copepod Pseudocaligus apodus and its effects on the gills of the flathead grey mullet, Mugil cephalus and testing two antiparasitic agents