صفحات أعضاء هيئة التدريس
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نسرين محمود عبد الحميد زيدان دراز
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نسرين محمود عبد الحميد زيدان دراز - صفحات أعضاء هيئة التدريس | جامعة دمياط
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1 - عنوان البحث:
Nonplanar dust acoustic solitary waves in a strongly coupled dusty plasma with superthermal ions
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Head-on-collision of modulated dust acoustic waves in strongly coupled dusty plasma
Stability of three-dimensional obliquely propagating dust acoustic waves in dusty plasma including the polarization force effect
Instability of nonplanar modulated dust acoustic wave packets in a strongly coupled nonthermal dusty plasma
Stability of ion-acoustic solitons in a multi-ion degenerate plasma with the effects of trapping and polarization under the influence of quantizing magnetic field
Modulated ion acoustic waves in a plasma with Cairns-Gurevich distribution
Nonplanar dust acoustic solitary waves in a strongly coupled dusty plasma with superthermal ions
Landau damping of dust acoustic waves in the presence of hybrid nonthermal nonextensive electrons
Stability of three-dimensional dust acoustic waves in a strongly coupled dusty plasma including kappa distributed superthermal ions and electrons
Effects of double spectral electron distribution and polarization force on dust acoustic waves in a negative dusty plasma
Modeling of nonlinear envelope solitons in strongly coupled dusty plasmas: Instability and collision
On the interaction of nonlinear ion acoustic solitary waves in non-ideal plasma incorporated with cairns-gurevich distributed electrons
Nonplanar dust acoustic waves in a four-component dusty plasma with double spectral distributed electrons: modulational instability and rogue waves
Stability of dust acoustic wavepackets suffering from polarization force due to the presence of trapped ions
Langmuir oscillations in a nonthermal nonextensive electron-positron plasma