صفحات أعضاء هيئة التدريس
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إبراهيم إبراهيم عبد الرحمن بحيرى
كلية العلوم
إبراهيم إبراهيم عبد الرحمن بحيرى - صفحات أعضاء هيئة التدريس | جامعة دمياط
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البريد الإلكتروني :
المقررات الدراسية
الأبحاث العلمية علي موقع الجامعه
1 - عنوان البحث:
Book of abstract
تحميل البحث
الأبحاث العلمية من
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Ion acoustic shockwaves in a degenerate relativistic plasma with nuclei of heavy elements
Stability of three-dimensional dust acoustic waves in a dusty plasma with two opposite polarity dust species including dust size distribution
Dust acoustic waves in a dusty plasma containing hybrid Cairns–Tsallis-distributed electrons and variable size dust grains
Weakly nonlinear ion-acoustic excitations in a relativistic model for dense quantum plasma
Head-on collision of dust acoustic solitons in a nonextensive plasma with variable size dust grains of arbitrary charge
Stability of three-dimensional obliquely propagating dust acoustic waves in dusty plasma including the polarization force effect
The effect of dust size distribution on quantum dust acoustic wave
Nonlinear dust acoustic waves in a self-gravitating and opposite-polarity complex plasma medium
Oblique collision of ion acoustic solitons in a relativistic degenerate plasma
Effect of anisotropic dust pressure and superthermal electrons on propagation and stability of dust acoustic solitary waves
Two solitons oblique collision in anisotropic non-extensive dusty plasma
Gravitoelectrostatic excitations in an opposite polarity complex plasma
Collision of dust ion acoustic multisolitons in a non-extensive plasma using Hirota bilinear method
Linear and nonlinear quantum dust ion acoustic wave with dust size distribution effect
The effects of variable dust size and charge on dust acoustic waves propagating in a hybrid Cairns–Tsallis complex plasma
Nonplanar dynamics of variable size dust grains in nonextensive dusty plasma
Propagation and oblique collision of ion-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized dusty electronegative plasma
Shock waves in magnetized electronegative plasma with nonextensive electrons
Transverse instability of ion acoustic solitons in a magnetized plasma including-nonextensive electrons and positrons
Investigation of dust ion acoustic shock waves in dusty plasma using cellular neural network
Dynamics of electrostatic waves in relativistic electron–positron-ion degenerate plasma
The effect dust size distribution on quantum dust acoustic waves in ultra-dense dusty plasma