صفحات أعضاء هيئة التدريس
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السيد عبد الجواد محمد الوراقى
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السيد عبد الجواد محمد الوراقى - صفحات أعضاء هيئة التدريس | جامعة دمياط
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Cylindrical ion-acoustic waves in a warm multicomponent plasma
Effects of two-temperature electrons, external oblique magnetic field, and higher-order nonlinearity on dust acoustic solitary waves in a dusty plasma with vortex-like ion …
Modulational instability of a weakly relativistic ion acoustic wave in a warm plasma with nonthermal electrons
Dressed ion-acoustic solitons in magnetized dusty plasmas
Contributionof higher–order to solitary waves in a three-component dusty plasma with trapped ions
Spherical solitons in a warm ion-beam multicomponent plasma
Contribution of higher-order nonlinearity to nonlinear ion acoustic waves in a weakly relativistic warm plasma with nonthermal electrons
Suggestions for improving policies of higher education in Egypt, and a critical study on the current laws (in particular rules for academic promotion) of the universities
On the study of the interaction of inhomogeneous electron beam with plasma
Motion of charged particles in a Hard-core Θ-pinch
Solution of vlasov’s kinetic equation for hot ion plasma (Ti»Te)
Stability of monochromatic longitudinal wave in a hot ion plasma
Nonlinear interaction of waves in plasma excited by transverse current