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  • Position : Associate Professor
  • Department : glass
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  1. Effects of rosemary and marjoram supplementation on growth performance, digestibility and economic efficiency of growing rabbits
  2. Kinetic Facades The new paradigm shift in architecture Toward an Environmental design Performance
  3. Utilization of the Art of Optical Illusion in the Design of Egyptian Glass Architecture
  4. Natural factors (Lighting) and their impact on the glass facades in the future architecture
  5. The glass facades of the future architecture and the ways of its tightness
  6. The aesthetics of the Arabic calligraphy and its formations in the glass architectural facades
  7. Heritage and its employment in contemporary decorative designs applied to the roof of a modern mosque
  8. Natural factors (Lighting) and their impact on the glass facades in the future architecture
  9. العوامل الطبيعية (الإضاءة) وتأثيرها على الواجهات الزجاجية في العمارة المستقبلية
  10. الواجهات الزجاجية للعمارة المستقبلية وطرق احکامها
  11. التراث وتوظيفه في تصميات زخرفية معاصرة تطبيقا علي اسقف احد المساجد الحديثة
  12. Designing Glass Facades Inspired from The African Arts. Applied on the president mansion in “Bioko” island in tropical Guinea
  13. الجمال والتشکيل في الجداريات الزجاجية المستوحاة من الفنون الإفريقية تطبيقاً على جدارية قصر الرئيس بجزيرة
  14. The Aesthetics of Color in Architecture Glass Facades
  15. Designing Glass Facades Inspired from The African Arts. Applied on the president mansion in “Bioko” island in tropical Guinea
  16. Teaching methodology of Environment Studies and Science for different departments of Applied Arts faculty
  17. منهجية تدريس مادة دراسات وعلوم بيئية للأقسام المختلفة بكلية الفنون التطبيقية
  18. Benefit from the tributary and mechanisms of natural creativity To make Contemporary Designs fit for the Egyptian Architectural Fa�ades
  19. الاستفادة من روافد وآليات الإبداع الطبيعي في عمل تصميمات معاصرة تصلح للواجهات المعمارية المصرية
  20. جماليات الخط العربي وتشكيلاته في الواجهات المعمارية الزجاجية
  21. The activation of Glass Relief in Architectural Facades in Egypt
  22. Inspiration from nature to emphasize the contemporary Islamic architecture in Egypt
  23. Kinetic Facades
  24. The glass facades of the future architecture and the ways of its tightness
  25. Designing Glass Facades Inspired from The African Arts. Applied on the president mansion in “Bioko” island in tropical Guinea