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Faculty of Physical Education
null - Staff Pages | Damietta University
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1 - Research Title:
The effect of the use of continuous and intermittent display modes on computer learning The start and rotation skills in swimming crawl on the abdomen
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2 - Research Title:
The effect of feedback methods using computer level Perform some basic skills in volleyball
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3 - Research Title:
The Effect of Individualized instuction electronically using ultra overlap Media The transmission performance skill level in table tennis for beginners
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4 - Research Title:
Effect of using active learning strategy at the level of Technical performance in breast swimming
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5 - Research Title:
The impact of using the Mastery Learning Strategy on the achievement of movement Knowledge of a back crawl for beginners
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6 - Research Title:
The effect of using certain methods of education technology on some level of performance Basic skills for beginners in water polo under 14 years
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7 - Research Title:
The impact of using a blended learning strategy on the level of technical performance in the swimming crawl on the abdomen for the students of the faculty of physicl Education Damietta
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