
  1. Effect of ascorbic acid and vitamin E supplementation on semen quality and biochemical parameters of male rabbits
  2. Temperature and the development and survival of infective Toxocara canis larvae
  3. Grape seed extract alleviate reproductive toxicity caused by aluminium chloride in male rats
  4. A comparative evaluation of aflatoxin B1 genotoxicity in fish models using the Comet assay
  5. Effect of organophosphorus (dimethoate) and pyrethroid (deltamethrin) pesticides on semen characteristics in rabbits
  6. Growth performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings raised in an earthen pond
  7. Protective effects of curcumin and ginger on liver cirrhosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats.
  8. Effect of feeding male rats on aflatoxic diets without or with medicinal herbs (thyme, safflower, ginger, black cumin and/or garlic)
  9. In vivo chronic effect of dimethoate and deltamethrin on rabbits
  10. Effect of organophosphorus (Dimethoate) and pyrethroid (Decamethrin) pesticides on plasma levels of cortisol and thyroxine, and on some haematological characteristic in growing�…
  11. Growth factor receptors and liver injury
  12. Effects of an extract of khat (Catha edulis) on the toad heart
  13. Effect of crossbreeding on some carcass traits of native and standard breeds of chickens
  14. Relationship of liver function tests to different stages of chronic liver diseases in HCV carriers
  15. Toxic effects of some water pollutants (gallant and mercury) on blood parameters of catfish Clarias lazera
  16. Effect of some herbal plants on liver function of rats treated with trichloroethylene
  17. Immunological and physiological studies on the protective and therapeutic effects of Nigella sativa oil in albino rats treated with carbon tetrachloride
  18. Seasonal variations of steroid hormones and triiodothyronine concentrations in migratory northern shovelers
  19. Toxicity of fumonisin B1 in Rainbow trout
  20. Acute and chronic effects of a nutmeg extract on the toad heart
  21. Sex control and reproductive performance of doe rabbits in response to some hormonal and chemical treatments.
  22. Histopathological changes due to the effect of some organophosphorous and pyrethroid insecticides in rabbits
  23. Effects of sofosbuvir and ribavirin on some haematological and biochemical parameters in normal rats
  24. Comparative morphological, histological and ultrastructural study of the kidney of Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) and Squacco heron (Ardeola ralloides) birds
  25. Testosterone levels and the genetic variation of sex hormone-binding globulin gene of Bubalus bubalis, bulls in Egypt
  26. Protective effect of some natural products on acrylamide induced toxicity
  27. Biotic Relationships between Plants and Birds at Damietta Coastal Area, Egypt
  28. Sofosbuvir and ribavirin induced changes in some haematological and biochemical parameters in normal rats
  29. The Use of Daclatasvir plus Sofosbuvir with or without Ribavirin in Treatment-Na�ve Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 4 Infection
  30. Histological Study on the Effects of Sofosbuvir and/or Ribavirin on Normal Rats
  31. Research Article Protective Effects of Curcumin and Ginger on Liver Cirrhosis Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Rats
  32. Hepatoprotective Effects of Red Beet Roots and Silymarin on Liver Toxicity Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) in Rats
  33. Synergistic Effect of Schistosomiasis on Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) of Human Liver Indicated by Antioxidant Biomarkers among Egyptian Population
  34. Parasitological and Biochemical Studies on Chalcides ocellatus Inhabiting Damietta Region
  35. Comparative Histological and Ultrastructural Studies on Lung of The Egyptian Hoopoe (Upupa epops major) and The European Hoopoe (Upupa epops epops)
  36. Temperature and the development and survival of infective
  37. Effect of artesunate treatment on mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni
  38. Histopathological and morphometrical studies on the influence of some aflatoxins on liver, kidneys and testes of albino rat
  39. Histochemical inverstigations on the toxic effect of some aflatoxins on liver kidneys and testes of albino rat
  40. Demonstration of the genotoxicity of fumonisin B1 (FB1) using the comet assay
  41. Comparative studies on the acute effect of aflatoxins B1 and B2 on some physiological parameters in ducklings
  42. Protective effects of grape seed extract against toxicity of aflatoxin b~ 1 and fumonisin b~ 1 in human liver cells in vitro
  43. Use of the comet assay as a novel and rapid technique to demonstrate genotoxicity of aflatoxin B1 In vitro
  44. Studies on the effects of some drugs on reproduction-effect of dimethoate and decamethrin on reproductive performance and some hematobiochemical characteristics in male rabbits
  45. Relationship between intrafollicular concentrations of parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) and steroid hormones in oestrogenic and non-oestrogenic ovarian follicles in�…