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Refaat Sabry Abdul-Wahab Abdul-Wahab
Refaat Sabry Abdul-Wahab Abdul-Wahab - Staff Pages | Damietta University
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1 - Research Title:
Propagation of cylindrical and spherical electron-acoustic solitary wave packets in unmagnetized plasma
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2 - Research Title:
Electron-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized plasma with hot electrons featuring Tsallis distribution
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3 - Research Title:
Solitons and double-layers of electron-acoustic waves in magnetized plasma; an application to auroral zone plasma
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4 - Research Title:
Ion-acoustic double layers in magnetized positive-negative ion plasmas with nonthermal electrons
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5 - Research Title:
Rogue wave in Titan’s atmosphere
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6 - Research Title:
cylindrical and spherical soliton collision of electron-acoustic waves in non-Maxwellian plasma
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7 - Research Title:
Head-on collision of ion-acoustic solitons in an ultracold neutral plasma
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Google Scholar Researches
Modified extended tanh-function method for solving nonlinear partial differential equations
Dust-acoustic rogue waves in a nonextensive plasma
Fully nonlinear ion-acoustic solitary waves in a plasma with positive-negative ions and nonthermal electrons
Modified extended tanh-function method and its applications to nonlinear equations
Nonlinear structures: Explosive, soliton, and shock in a quantum electron-positron-ion magnetoplasma
Dust-acoustic solitary waves and double layers in a magnetized dusty plasma with nonthermal ions and dust charge variation
Nonlinear dynamics of rotating multi-component pair plasmas and epi plasmas
Rogue wave in Titan’s atmosphere
Zakharov–Kuznetsov–Burgers equation for dust ion acoustic waves
Nonlinear dust acoustic waves in a nonuniform magnetized complex plasma with nonthermal ions and dust charge variation
Cylindrical and spherical ion-acoustic envelope solitons in multicomponent plasmas with positrons
New exact solutions for a generalized variable coefficients 2D KdV equation
A new generalized expansion method and its application in finding explicit exact solutions for a generalized variable coefficients KdV equation
Freak waves in white dwarfs and magnetars
Amplitude modulation of hydromagnetic waves and associated rogue waves in magnetoplasmas
Planar and nonplanar ion-acoustic envelope solitary waves in a very dense electron-positron-ion plasma
Propagation of three-dimensional ion-acoustic solitary waves in magnetized negative ion plasmas with nonthermal electrons
Large amplitude ion-acoustic solitary waves and double layers in multicomponent plasma with positrons
Head-on collision of dust-acoustic solitary waves in an adiabatic hot dusty plasma with external oblique magnetic field and two-temperature ions
Exact travelling wave solutions for the generalized shallow water wave equation
On the generation of envelope solitons in the presence of excess superthermal electrons and positrons
Solitary and blow-up electrostatic excitations in rotating magnetized electron–positron–ion plasmas
Three-dimensional ion-acoustic wave packet in magnetoplasmas with superthermal electrons
Three dimensional cylindrical Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation in a very dense electron-positron-ion plasma
Head-on collision of ion-acoustic solitary waves in multicomponent plasmas with positrons
Explosive and solitary excitations in a very dense magnetoplasma
HCC-DETECT: a combination of nuclear, cytoplasmic, and oncofetal proteins as biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma
Head-on collision of ion-acoustic solitons in an ultracold neutral plasma
Propagation of cylindrical and spherical electron-acoustic solitary wave packets in unmagnetized plasma
Electron-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized plasma with hot electrons featuring Tsallis distribution
Three-dimensional cylindrical Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation in a dusty electronegative plasma
Modulation instability of ion thermal waves in a pair-ion plasma containing charged dust impurities
The interaction of two nonplanar solitary waves in electron-positron-ion plasmas: An application in active galactic nuclei
Propagation of three-dimensional electron-acoustic solitary waves
Propagation of the three-dimensional dust acoustic solitons in magnetized quantum plasmas with dust polarity effect
Two new applications of the modified extended tanh-function method
Nonplanar solitons collision in ultracold neutral plasmas
Electrostatic structures associated with dusty electronegative magnetoplasmas
Freak waves in Saturn’s magnetosphere
Contribution of higher-order nonlinearity to nonlinear dust acoustic solitary waves in two ion temperature dusty plasmas with different size dust grains
Solitons and double-layers of electron-acoustic waves in magnetized plasma; an application to auroral zone plasma
Ionospheric losses of Venus in the solar wind
Ion-acoustic double layers in magnetized positive-negative ion plasmas with nonthermal electrons
Nonlinear wave modulation of cylindrical and spherical quantum ion-acoustic solitary waves
Three-dimensional nonlinear Schr�dinger equation in electron-positron-ion magnetoplasmas
Nonlinear wave propagation of large amplitude ion-acoustic solitary waves in negative ion plasmas with superthermal electrons
Group classification and symmetry reduction of variable coefficient nonlinear diffusion–convection equation
Modulated 3D electron-acoustic rogue waves in magnetized plasma with nonthermal electrons
New super waveforms for modified Korteweg-de-Veries-equation
Characteristics of stochastic Langmuir wave structures in presence of It� sense
Nonlinear phenomenon in nanostructures creation by fast cluster ions
Formation and dynamics of electrostatic solitary waves associated with relativistic electron beam
On the positron superthermality and ionic masses contributions on the wave behaviour in collisional space plasma
Exact travelling wave solutions for a diffusion–convection equation in two and three spatial dimensions
On the formation of nanostructures by inducing confined plasma expansion
Cylindrical and spherical soliton collision of electron-acoustic waves in non-Maxwellian plasma
Fractional order two temperature thermo-elastic behavior of piezoelectric materials
New exact solutions for a generalized variable-coefficient KdV equation
Group classification and symmetry reduction of a (2+ 1) dimensional diffusion-advection equation
Role of electrons non-extensivity on the fully nonlinear dust-ion acoustic solitary waves
Head-On collision of electron-acoustic solitons in a magnetized plasma
New Soliton Applications in Earth's Magnetotail Plasma at Critical Densities
Ion escape from the upper ionosphere of Titan triggered by the solar wind
Self-excited plasmon polaritons in counterstreaming quantum plasmas
The optimum shielding around a test charge in plasmas containing two negative ions
Nanostructuring of sapphire by ion-induced plasma
Simulating the models of Tsikkou and Wang via mR scheme in chromatography
Effects of the ionic masses and positron density on the damped behavior in nonthermal collisional plasmas
Electron and positron nonthermality effects on the formation of damped solitons in collisional multi-component plasmas
Two Temperature Heat Flux of Semi Infinite Piezoelectric Ceramic Rod
On Improved Homogeneous Balance Method, Auto-B�cklund Transformation And Multi-Solitonic Solutions Of A Variable-Coefficient Burgers Equation
New travelling wave solutions for an asymmetric model of a rod in a lattice fluid with nonlinear advection
Surface engineering by rogue wave induced by energetic carbon clusters
Modulated dust-ion-acoustic waves result from Earth's magnetosphere and lunar ionosphere interactions
�str�m, JA, see Linna, RP 158 (2004) 26