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  • Position : Professor Emeritus
  • Department : Geology
  • Specification :
  • Work Phone : 2403866/057
  • Email : Bِ



  • 1 - Research Title:
  • Book of abstract
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  • 2 - Research Title: حسنا تسجيل استجابة كدليل للكشف عن كثافة النفط والغاز والتشبع، مع عامل الثقة محسوب
  • Well log response as a guide for detecting the hydrocarbon density and saturation , with computed confidence factor
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  • 3 - Research Title: معالجة تحليلية من النيوترونات الكثافة [كروسبلوت ل[شلي] رمل الخزانات
  • Analytical Treatment Of Neutron-Density Crossplot for Shaly Sand Reserviors
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  1. Reservoir zonation, rock typing and compartmentalization of the Tortonian-Serravallian sequence, Temsah Gas Field, offshore Nile Delta, Egypt
  2. Late Miocene normal faulting beneath the northern Nile Delta: NNW propagation of the Gulf of Suez Rift
  3. Implementation of a petrographical and petrophysical workflow protocol for studying the impact of heterogeneity on the rock typing and reservoir quality of reefal limestone: A�…
  4. Evaluation of Nubia sandstone reservoir as inferred from well logging data interpretation for Rabeh East-25 well, Southwest Gulf of Suez, Egypt
  5. Integration of seismic interpretation and well logging analysis of Abu Roash D Member, Gindi Basin, Egypt: implication for detecting and evaluating fractured carbonate reservoirs
  6. Seismic and well logging interpretation for evaluation of the lower Bahariya reservoir, southwest Qarun (SWQ) Field, Gindi Basin, Egypt
  7. Sequence stratigraphic evolution of The post-rift MEGASEQUENCE in The northern part of The Nile Delta basin, Egypt
  8. Well logging data interpretation for appraising the performance of Alam El-Bueib reservoir in Safir Oil Field, Shushan Basin, Egypt
  9. Total organic carbon content deduced from resistivity-porosity logs overlay: a case study of Abu Roash formation, Southwest Qarun field, Gindi Basin, Egypt
  10. An advanced workflow to compress the uncertainties of stochastic distribution of Bahariya reservoir properties using 3D static modeling: an example from Heba Oil Fields�…
  11. Rock wettability determination as an aid for Understanding the reservoir performance.
  12. Movable hydrocarbon index as a tool for evaluating reservoir quality: a case study of the Nubia sandstone in West Hurghada province (southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt)
  13. Bahariya reservoir performance as deduced from well logs data interpretation at East bahariya concession, Western Desert, Egypt
  14. Hydrocarbon well log response as a guide for Detecting the hydrocarbon density and saturation, with Computed confidence factor. Ain Shams�…
  15. Geo-pressure and geo-mechanical models for the Late Messinian Abu Madi reservoir in the Nidoco and Baltim gas fields, offshore Nile Delta Basin, Egypt
  16. Problem of unexpected water production with water saturation less than 40%: A case study from Alam El Bueib Formation, Safir Oil Field, Shushan Basin, Western Desert, Egypt
  17. Analytical treatment of neutron-density crossplot for shaly sand reservoirs
  18. Assessment of reservoir petrophysical parameters using well logs for the Abu Madi Formation, Level III, in Baltim North Field, Nile Delta, Egypt; A case study on BN-2 well
  19. Relative Permeabilities as Dynamic Petrophysical Parameters, Wafa Field, Ghadamis Basin, North West Libya
  20. Well Logging Analysis of the Devonian Awaynat Wanin Formation (F3)“B” in A37-NC169a well, Al Wafa field, Ghadames Basin, Libya
  21. Petroleum Research
  22. Assessment of trace metal pollution in the bottom sediments of Manzala Lagoon, Egypt
  23. Reservoir quality and expected fluids for the Ordovician Hawaz sandstone in the NC186 Concession, Murzuq Basin, Libya
  24. Analysis of Well Log Data for the Evaluation of Gas Sand Reservoir of Alam El-Bueib (AEB) Formation, 3G Member, Jade-8 Well, Jade Field, Matruh Basin, Egypt
  25. Middle Eocene benthic Foraminefral biostratgraphy and Paleocene environment at the Qattamiya area,northern eastern desert,Egypt
  26. Petrophysical flow Units in the Nubian sandstone reservoir using well log data.
  27. Error analysis of Saturation (Sw) calculations using well log data.
  29. Evaluation of pore pressure using well log derived Shale properties.
  30. synthesis of interval transit times from resistivity logs
  31. treating some”ambiguities” arising during well log data analysis
  32. Analytical Treatment of Neutron-Density Crossplot for Shaly Sand Reservoirs معالجة تحليلية لتوقيع النيترون والكثافة المتقاطع للخزانات الرملية الطفيلية
  33. Irreducible water saturation (Swirr), residual oil saturation (Sor) and oil recovery efficiency (Re) relationships for two Rudeis (Miocene) sandstone reservoirs, Warda Field, Nort
  34. General correlation equation among porosity, Permeability and formation resistivity factor for enhancing Reservoir porosity system evaluation.
  35. Integrated interpretations of well logging data and Production tests in oil wells.
  36. A comparative study of the water saturation Calculation models applied to Abu Roash Formation, Wadi El-Natrun area, North Western Desert, Egypt.
  37. Estimation of formation factor parameters and Water and clay resestivities for shaly formations, a new approach.
  38. Reservoir quality of Abu Madi and Sidi Salem Formations, Central Nile Delta of Egypt using the calculated irreducible water saturation and permeability
  39. Lithology make-up identification and determination, using well logging analysis: “mixed lithology model”
  40. Lithology make-up identification and determination, using well logging analysis: “carbonates model”. 321.
  41. Lithology make-up identification and determination, using well logging analysis: “evaporites model”.
  42. The effect of Clay minerals on the reservoir characteristics of Abu Madi And Sidi Salem Formations, central Nile Delta of Egypt.
  43. Lithology make-up identification and determination, using well logging analysis: “clays model”
  44. Lithology make-up identification and determination, using well logging analysis: “silicates model
  45. Lithology make-up identification and determination, using well logging anlysis “general model”.
  46. Lithology make-up identification and determination, using well logging analysis: “basement model”.