Personal Information

  • Position : Associate Professor
  • Department : Educational Media
  • Specification :
  • Work Phone : 401786-403085
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  • 1 - Research Title:
  • The impact of the digital environment and artificial intelligence on electronic journalism in Egypt "Theoretical Approach
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  • 2 - Research Title:
  • The use of interactive advertisements in the field of social marketing in the light of the TAM technology acceptance model (field study and analysis)
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  • 3 - Research Title:
  • The impact of democracy in the recent Egyptian presidential elections on women’s political participation (a comparative study between Egypt and )America
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  • 4 - Research Title: تغطية الصحف لقضية حي الشيخ الجراح بالقدس دراسة تحليلية على بعض الصحف )الاهرام – cnn بالعربي – فلسطين(
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  • 5 - Research Title: معاجلة املواقع اإللكترونية لربامج اإلصالح اإلقتصادي يف مصر من منظور النُّخب املصرية
  • Treatment the websites of economic reform programs in Egypt from the perspective of the Egyptian elites
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  • 6 - Research Title:
  • The Egyptian newspapers treatment of issues of people with special needs In light of Egypts supporting legislation and laws (Applied study
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