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  • Position : Professor
  • Department : Botany
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  • Work Phone : 2403866/057
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  • 2 - Research Title: دراسات على علاقة التعايش بين بعض أنواع الطحالب البحرية والبطلينوس باتيلا تربيناتا قاطن مناطق المد والجزر بساحل البحر المتوسط - الجبل الأخضر، ليبيا
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  • 3 - Research Title: استخدام طحلب الكلادوفورا الأخضر والبطلينوس (الرخويات) كمؤشرات حيوية لتلوث المياة البحرية بالعناصر الثقيلة بسواحل البحر المتوسط - الحنية - ليبيا
  • Evaluation of Cladophora laetevirens (Chlorophyta) and Patella caerulea (Mollusca) as bioindicators for heavy metals Pollution at Al-Hanyaa Mediterranean Coast, Libya
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  • 4 - Research Title: تسجيل جديد لأنواع من الطحالب البحرية المجمعة من بعض المناطق بساحل الجبل الأخضر، ليبيا
  • New Records of Marine Algal Species Collected From Some Localities of Al-Jabel Al-Akhdar Coastline, Libya
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  • 5 - Research Title: أنشطة فسيولوجية لطحلب يولفا لاكتيوكا استجابة للمعالجة بالنحاس والرصاص
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  • 6 - Research Title: تغير تركيب الهائمات الطحلبية كإستجابة لعمليات تنقية مياه الشرب بدمياط
  • Variation of Phytoplankton composition as a response of operations of drinking water treatment plants at Damietta – Egypt.
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  1. Phytoplankton compositions as a response of water quality in El Salam canal, Hadous drain and Damietta branch of River Nile, Egypt
  2. Salt response of the freshwater microalga Scenedesmus obliquus (Turp.) Kutz is modulated by the algal growth phase
  3. Extracts of the Brown Alga Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) J.V. Lamouroux Alleviate Salt Stress in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) During Germination
  4. Fatty acids of Cladophora glomerata and Chaetomorpha vieillardii (Cladophoraceae) of different niches inhibit the pathogenic microbial growth
  5. Temporal variation in chemical composition of Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) JV Lamouroux (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) from Red Sea Coast, Egypt
  6. Phytoplankton diversity in some ponds at new Damietta - Egypt
  7. Impact of the microalga Dunaliella salina (Dunal) Teodoresco culture and its b-carotene extract on the development of saltstressed squash (Cucurbita pepo L. cv. Mabrouka)
  8. Qualitative and Quantitative Phytochemical Composition of Sargassum Vulgare at Hurghada Red Sea Coast-Egypt
  9. The aqueous extract and powder of the brown alga Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) differentially alleviate the impact of abiotic stress on rice (Oryza sativa L.)
  10. High external Na+, but not K+, stimulates the growth of Ulva lactuca (L.) via induction of the plasma membrane ATPases and achievement of K+/ Na+ homeostasis.
  11. Phytoplankton as Indicators of Water Quality in theIrrigation and Drainage Canals in Western Damietta - Egypt
  12. Trophic status, phytoplankton diversity, and water quality at Kafr El-Shinawy drinking-water treatment plant, Damietta
  13. Algal amendment improved yield and grain quality of rice with alleviation of the impacts of salt stress and water stress
  14. Nitrogen Deficiency Maximizes the Production and Accumulation of Β-Carotene via Induction of Different Macromolecule Derivatives in Dunaliella salina (Dunal) Teodoresco
  15. Effect of sewage pollution on macroalgal diversity and heavy metal accumulation along Al-Hanyaa coastline, Libya
  16. First record of the alien macroalgae, Rivularia atra and Polysiphonia opaca, on the Libyan coastline with special reference to their bionomics
  17. New Records of Marine Algal Species Collected From Some Localities of Al-Jabel Al-Akhdar Coastline, Libya
  18. Associations Between Some Macroalgal Species and Limpets at Certain Rocky Intertidal Zones of Al-Jabel Alakhdar Coast, Libya.
  19. Physiological Activities of Ulva lactuca in Response to Cu and Pb Treatments
  20. Ulva species Blooms and its Biochemical Composition in Relation to Aquatic Environmental Properties at North Damietta-Egypt
  21. Relationship between heavy metal concentrations in certain macroalgae and two allied mollusc species collected from coastal waters of Al-Hanyaa City, Libya
  22. Efficiency assessment of drinking water treatment processes in the removal of phytoplankton at Damietta – Egypt
  23. Evaluation of Cladophora laetevirens (Chlorophyta) and Patella caerulea (Mollusca) as bioindicators for heavy metals Pollution at Al-Hanyaa Mediterranean Coast, Libya
  24. Variation of Phytoplankton Composition as a Response of Operations of Drinking Water Treatment Plants at Damietta-Egypt
  25. Pollution and substrate characteristics are correlated with intertidal macroalgal community structure on the eastern Libyan coast
  26. Comparative Studies on Cladophora Glomerata and Chaetomorpha Vieillardi (Cladophoraceae) at North Delta-Egypt
  27. Water Quality and Algae in Drinking Water Treatment Plants at Damietta
  28. Phytoplankton diversity in some fish farms of west Damietta - Egypt.