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Mohammad Abdul-Aziz Ibrahim Nawareg
Mohammad Abdul-Aziz Ibrahim Nawareg - Staff Pages | Damietta University
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Google Scholar Researches
Experimental observation of Hardy-like quantum contextuality
Experimental certification of an informationally complete quantum measurement in a device-independent protocol
Experimental measurement-device-independent entanglement detection
-particle nonclassicality without -particle correlations
Automatic determination of refractive index profile of fibers having regular and/or irregular transverse sections considering the refraction of light rays by the fiber
Automatic determination of refractive index profile, sectional area, and shape of fibers having regular and/or irregular transverse sections
Bounding quantum theory with the exclusivity principle in a two-city experiment
Superadditivity of two quantum information resources
Experimental test of maximal tripartite nonlocality using an entangled state and local measurements that are maximally incompatible
Experimental device-independent certification of a symmetric, informationally complete, positive operator-valued measure
Variable wavelength Newton’s rings formed in transmission for measuring radius of curvature and sub-micrometric thin film thickness
Beam propagation at an arbitrary angle in uniaxial crystals
Concurrence of multiqubit bound entangled states constructed from unextendible product bases
Noise resistance: a key factor in the metrological applications of highly entangled multiqubit states
Completely entangled subspaces from Moore-like matrices
Polarization-based transformations of linearly polarized quasi-Gaussian beams propagating in uniaxial crystals at an arbitrary angle
General method based on WKB approximation and digital holography to characterize planar waveguides
Retrieving curvature’s equation of a radially symmetric concave surface using Fizeau ring fringes
Experimental Certification of a Minimal Informationally Complete Positive Operator-Valued Measure in a Device-Independent Protocol
Experimental device-independent certification of a SIC-POVM
Entanglement sources and testing the foundations of quantum theory
Maximally Tight Bell Inequalities Involving Lower Order Correlations
Results in Optics