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  • Position : Professor
  • Department : Geology
  • Specification : Applied Geophysics
  • Work Phone : 2403866/057
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Petroleum Geology – Basin Analysis – Subsurface Geology – Sequence Stratigraphy – Deltas – Physical Geology


  • 1 - Research Title:
  • Late Miocene normal faulting beneath the northern Nile Delta: NNW propagation of the Gulf of Suez Rift
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  • 2 - Research Title:
  • Depositional evolution of the Middle-Upper Eocene rocks, Fayum area, Egypt
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  1. Reservoir zonation, rock typing and compartmentalization of the Tortonian-Serravallian sequence, Temsah Gas Field, offshore Nile Delta, Egypt
  2. The efficiency of seismic attributes to differentiate between massive and non-massive carbonate successions for hydrocarbon exploration activity
  3. Sequence stratigraphic evolution of the syn-rift Early Cretaceous sediments, West Beni Suef Basin, the Western Desert of Egypt with remarks on its hydrocarbon accumulations
  4. Late Miocene normal faulting beneath the northern Nile Delta: NNW propagation of the Gulf of Suez Rift
  5. Wrench tectonics of Abu Gharadig Basin,Western Desert, Egypt: a structural analysis for hydrocarbon prospects
  6. 2D seismic interpretation and hydrocarbon prospects for the Neogene-Quaternary succession in the Temsah Field, offshore Nile Delta Basin, Egypt
  7. Geophysical assessment and hydrocarbon potential of the Cenomanian Bahariya Reservoir in the Abu Gharadig Field, Western Desert, Egypt
  8. Cenomanian–Turonian depositional history of a post–Gondwana rift succession in the West Beni Suef Basin, Egypt
  9. Distinguishing rift-related from inversion-related anticlines: observations from the Abu Gharadig and Gindi Basins, Western Desert, Egypt
  10. Integration of seismic interpretation and well logging analysis of Abu Roash D Member, Gindi Basin, Egypt: Implication for detecting and evaluating fractured carbonate reservoirs
  11. High resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Late Miocene Abu Madi Formation, Northern Nile Delta Basin
  12. Geophysical assessment for the oil potentiality of the Abu Roash “G” reservoir in West Beni Suef Basin, Western Desert, Egypt
  13. Evaluation of Nubia sandstone reservoir as inferred from well logging data interpretation for Rabeh East-25 Well, Southwest Gulf of Suez, Egypt
  14. Geophysical appraisal and oil potential for Rudeis Formation at West Hurghada area, southern Gulf of Suez: detection of stratigraphic trap
  15. Seismic – Wireline logs sequence stratigraphic analyses and geologic evolution for the Upper Cretaceous succession of Abu Gharadig basin, Egypt
  16. Geophysical and hydrocarbon prospect evaluation of Nukhul Formation at Rabeh East oil field, Southern Gulf of Suez Basin, Egypt
  17. Gas-generative potential for the post-Messinian megasequence of Nile Delta Basin: a case study of Tao Field, North Sinai Concession, Egypt
  18. Seismic and well logging interpretation for evaluation of the lower Bahariya reservoir, southwest Qarun (SWQ) Field, Gindi Basin, Egypt
  19. Reservoir characterization of the middle Miocene Kareem sandstones, Southern Gulf of Suez Basin, Egypt
  20. Sequence stratigraphic analysis and depositional evolution of the Upper Cretaceous deposits in Ras Budran oil field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt
  21. Sequence stratigraphic evolution of The post-rift MEGASEQUENCE in The northern part of The Nile Delta basin, Egypt
  22. Sequence stratigraphic controls on the gas-reservoirs distribution and characterization along the Messinian Abu Madi incision, Nile Delta Basin
  23. Origin of two different deformation styles via active folding mechanisms of inverted Abu El Gharadiq Basin, Western Desert, Egypt
  24. Seismic Delineation and Well Logging Evaluation for Albian Kharita Formation, South West Qarun (SWQ) Field, Gindi Basin, Egypt
  25. Assessment of the petrophysical properties and hydrocarbon potential of the Lower Miocene Nukhul Formation in the Abu Rudeis-Sidri Field, Gulf of Suez Basin, Egypt
  26. Assessing hydrocarbon prospects in Abu Madi formation using well logging data in El-Qara field, Nile Delta Basin, Egypt
  27. Seismic interpretation and hydrocarbon assessment of the post‑rift Cenomanian Bahariya reservoir, Beni Suef Basin, Egypt
  28. Application of Seismic Attributes for Detecting Different Geologic Features within Kafr El-Sheikh Formation, Temsah Concession, Nile Delta Basin
  29. 3D Static Reservoir Modelling of Abu Madi Paleo-Valley in Baltim Field, Offshore Nile Delta Basin, Egypt
  30. Petrophysical characterization for Thebes and Mutulla reservoirs in Rabeh East Field, Gulf of Suez Basin, via well logging interpretation
  31. Depositional evolution of the Middle-Upper Eocene rocks, Fayum area, Egypt
  32. Well logging data interpretation for appraising the performance of Alam El‑Bueib reservoir in Safir Oil Field, Shushan Basin, Egypt
  33. Geophysical appraisal for the sandy levels within Abu Roash C and E members in Abu Gharadig Field, Western Desert, Egypt.
  34. Hydrocarbon potential and reservoir characteristics of incised-valley transgressive sandstones: A case study of the Messinian gas reservoirs (Nile Delta Basin, Egypt)
  35. Structural and petrophysical characteristics of the Turonian "AR/G" reservoirs in Heba field (Western Desert, Egypt): Integrated approach for hydrocarbon exploration and�…
  36. Geophysical assessment of basement rocks for use as an unconventional reservoir in the Rabeh East oil field, southern Gulf of Suez Basin
  37. New prospective gas plays in Pliocene sands, offshore Nile Delta Basin: A case study from Kamose-1 Well at North Sinai Concession, Egypt
  38. Geophysical structural interpretation of Esh El Mallaha Basin, Southern Gulf of Suez: Implications for oil potential in South Malak and Rabeh Fields
  39. Total organic carbon content deduced from resistivity-porosity logs overlay: a case study of Abu Roash formation, Southwest Qarun field, Gindi Basin, Egypt
  40. An advanced workflow to compress the uncertainties of stochastic distribution of Bahariya reservoir properties using 3D static modeling: an example from Heba Oil Fields�…
  41. Geophysical appraisal of fractured carbonate reservoirs: a case study of Abu Roash D Member, Abu Gharadig Field, Western Desert, Egypt
  42. Geophysical appraisal of the Abu Madi gas reservoir, Nile Delta Basin, Egypt: Implications for the tectonic effect on the lateral distribution of petrophysical parameters
  43. Possibility of intrusive igneous body beneath the Cretaceous sequence in Abu Gharadig Basin, Egypt: integration of geophysical data interpretations
  44. Sequence stratigraphy and petrophysical investigation of fluvial sediments: a case study Nubia Sandstone, Ras Budran Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt
  45. Characterization of the Gas-Bearing Tight Paleozoic Sandstone Reservoirs of the Risha Field, Jordan: Inferences on Reservoir Quality and Productivity
  46. Seismic interpretation and sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Bahariya Formation in the South Umbaraka oilfields (Western Desert, Egypt): insights into reservoir�…
  47. Seismic data quality and its impact on detecting hydrocarbon entrapment features: a case study of Baltim gas field, Nile Delta Basin
  48. The potential of offshore Nile Delta Basin natural gas reserves: a case study of Messinian reservoir in Baltim field
  49. Petrophysical evaluation of the pre-rift hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Gulf of Suez Basin
  50. Sedimentary facies controls on reservoir quality of the Abu Madi Formation, offshore Nile Delta Basin, Egypt
  51. Seismic noise attenuation using post‑stack processing: a case study of Rabeh East Oil Field, Gulf of Suez Basin, Egypt
  52. Hydrocarbon Potential of Carbonate Rocks in Egypt
  53. Preliminary assessment of the Cambro-Ordovician reservoir potential from the Shushan basin, north Western Desert, Egypt
  54. Integrating well logs and seismic data for a comprehensive geophysical appraisal of post-Albian oil reservoirs in the SWQ-4X well, Gindi Basin, Egypt
  55. Petrographical, petrophysical, and geomechanical characterization of the Pliocene sandstone reservoirs of the Scarab Gas Field, deepwater Nile Delta, Egypt – Inferences on�…
  56. Pre‑ and post‑Messinian deformational styles along the northern Nile Delta Basin in the framework of the Eastern Mediterranean tectonic evolution
  57. Movable hydrocarbon index as a tool for evaluating reservoir quality: a case study of the Nubia sandstone in West Hurghada province (southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt)
  58. Bahariya Reservoir Performance as Deduced from Well Logs Data Interpretation at East Bahariya Concession, Western Desert, Egypt.
  59. Late Cretaceous Matulla sandstones in the Gulf of Suez Basin: geophysical assessment of pre-rift oil reservoirs
  60. Efficiency of post‑stack processing in enhancing seismic data quality: a case study of Southwest Qarun‑Field, Gindi Basin, Egypt
  61. New stratigraphic hydrocarbon prospects for the subsurface Cretaceous: tertiary succession within Abu Gharadig Basin in the framework of sequence stratigraphic analyses, north�…
  62. Oil Potentialities of West Esh El-Mallaha Area, Southern Gulf of Suez as Deduced from Well Log Data Interpretation
  63. Geophysical appraisal and hydrocarbon potential of the Pre-Cenomanian and Miocene reservoirs in the onshore and offshore Gulf of Suez Basin
  64. Biostratigraphy of the Lower Miocene Nukhul Formation, Gulf of Suez, Egypt
  65. Editorial: Advanced techniques and applications for characterizing the hydrocarbon potential in carbonate reservoirs
  66. Geo-Pressure and Geo-Mechanical Models for the Late Messinian Abu Madi Reservoir in Nidoco and Baltim Gas Fields, Offshore Nile Delta Basin, Egypt
  67. Seismic Interpretation and hydrocarbon Prospects for the post Miocene sequence in Tao Field, offshore North Sinai, Egypt
  68. Petrophysical Characterization for Pliocene Reservoirs i n Tao Field, Offshore North Sinai Concession, via Well Logging Interpretation
  69. Evaluation of the lower cretaceous alam el bueib sandstone reservoirs in Shushan basin, Egypt -Implications for tight hydrocarbon reservoir potential
  70. Geophysical Evaluation and Petrophysical Assessment of the Abu Roash "F" Member: A Probable Unconventional Oil Reservoir in Heba Field, Eastern Abu Gharadig Basin, Egypt
  71. Geophysical assessment for the gas-bearing sandstones of the Pliocene Kafr El-Sheikh formation in Tao field, offshore Nile Delta Basin, Egypt
  72. Relative permeabilities as dynamic petrophysical parameters, Wafa Field, Ghadamis Basin, North West Libya
  73. Interpretation of diapiric structures and their effect on hydrocarbon prospects based on seismic data
  74. Well Logging Analysis of the Devonian Awaynat Wanin Formation (F3) “B” in A37-NC169a well, Al Wafa field, Ghadames Basin, Libya
  75. Reservoir quality and expected fluids for the Ordovician Hawaz sandstone in the NC186 Concession, Murzuq Basin, Libya
  76. Effectiveness of Minimum Bulk Volume of Water (BVWmin) and Minimum True Resistivity (Rtmin) for Understanding Reservoir Performance: A Case Study of Hawaz Formation, Murzuq�…
  77. Sequence Stratigraphic Evolution of Northern Nile Delta Basin: Sedimentary Basin Analysis.
  78. Depositional Evolution of the Eocene sediments, Fayum Area, Egypt: Basin Analysis Approach