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  • Position : Professor
  • Department : Pedagogy
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  • Work Phone : 572403869
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  • 1 - Research Title:
  • Centralised Control: a Barrier to Shared Decision-making in Egyptian Secondary Schools
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  • 2 - Research Title:
  • Teachers' perceptions of school culture as a barrier to shared decision-making (SDM) in Egypt's secondary schools
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  • 3 - Research Title:
  • book of abstract
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  • 4 - Research Title:
  • The Rhetoric and Reality of Decentralisation Reforms: The Case of School-Based Management in Egypt
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  1. Knowledge production on educational leadership and management in Arab societies: A systematic review of research
  2. A systematic review of conceptual models and methods used in research on educational leadership and management in Arab societies
  3. Mapping the field of educational leadership and management in the Arabian Gulf region: A systematic review of Arabic research literature
  4. Dissonance between the “international” and the conservative “national”: Challenges facing school leaders in international schools in Saudi Arabia
  5. Teachers’ perceptions of school culture as a barrier to shared decision‐making (SDM) in Egypt’s secondary schools
  6. Preparing instructional supervisors for educational change: empirical evidence from the Sultanate of Oman
  7. Research on school principals in the Gulf states: A systematic review of topics and conceptual models
  8. Leading faith schools in a secular society: Challenges facing head teachers of Muslim schools in the United Kingdom
  9. Supporting teacher professional learning in Oman: The effects of principal leadership, teacher trust, and teacher agency
  10. Building educational research capacity: challenges and opportunities from the perspectives of faculty members at a national university in Oman
  11. Centralised Control: A Barrier to Shared Decision-making in Egyptian Secondary Schools.
  12. The Rhetoric and Reality of Decentralisation Reforms: The Case of School-Based Management in Egypt
  13. The knowledge base on educational leadership and management in Arab countries: Its current state and its implications for leadership development
  14. Decision domains and teacher participation: A qualitative investigation of decision-making in Egyptian schools
  15. Conflicting road maps: Cross-cultural professional development for Egyptian educators
  16. Academic writing for publication: Putting the ‘international’into context
  17. Instructional supervision in the Sultanate of Oman: Shifting roles and practices in a stage of educational reform
  18. Modeling the relationship between principal leadership and teacher professional learning in Kuwait: The mediating effects of Trust and Teacher Agency
  19. Does distributed leadership improve teacher agency? Exploring the mediating effect of teacher reflection
  20. Promoting teacher professional learning in Egyptian schools: the contribution of learning-centered leadership
  21. Exploring the perceptions of Omani school principals about their leadership preparation: A mixed-methods study
  22. Evaluating the effectiveness of teacher education in Oman: a multiple case study of multiple stakeholders
  23. Boards of trustees (BOTs) as avenues for shared decision-making in Egyptian Schools: Teachers’ Perceptions
  24. Internationalisation of educational administration and leadership curriculum: Voices and experiences from the ‘Peripheries’
  26. Aligning ‘international’standards with ‘national’educational leadership preparation needs: The case of a master's programme in Oman
  27. Perceptions of teacher leadership in the Arab region: A comparative analysis of three countries
  28. Examining the Relationship Between Principal Leadership, Collective Efficacy, and Teacher Commitment in Saudi Arabia
  29. Humanistic Knowledge Traditions That Can Inform Educational Administration and Leadership Curricula: Ancient, Islamic, Confucian, Buddhist and European Approaches
  30. Adjusting the international to fit the conservative national: the case of international schools in Saudi Arabia
  31. Challenges to shared decision-making in Egyptian schools: A study of teachers in general secondary schools in Damietta County
  32. Investigating links between teacher leadership, collective efficacy and teacher commitment in Egyptian schools: a mediated-effects analysis
  33. Examining the knowledge base in educational administration and leadership in Egypt: a systematic review of published research literature
  34. Researching higher education leadership and management in Arab countries: A systematic review
  35. Conceptions of effective leadership: a contextually grounded perspective of Omani school principals
  36. Editors' critical introduction: conceptions of internationalisation challenging dominant knowledge traditions
  37. Organizational climate and its relationship with love of leader as perceived by Omani school teachers
  38. Teachers' Professional Learning in the Sultanate of Oman: The Measurement Model and the Reality of Practice
  39. Exploring the link between principal instructional leadership and differentiated instruction in an understudied context: the role of teacher collaboration and self-efficacy
  40. Female educational leadership in the Arab world: a systematic review of published research literature
  41. جودة الحياة الوظيفية وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات: دراسة تطبيقية على أعضاء هيئة التدريس بجامعة السلطان قابوس
  42. The Perceptions of Instructional Supervisors about Instructional Supervision Developments and Challenges in the Sultanate of Oman: A Qualitative Study
  43. درجة تمكين المعلمين في المدارس الحكومية بمحافظة مسقط في سلطنة عمان من وجهة نظرهم The Degree of Teachers' Empowerment in Public Schools in Muscat Governorate in the Sultanate of�…
  44. تطوير التعليم الإلكتروني في التعليم المدرسي بسلطنة عمان في ضوء رؤية عُمان 2040 والتنمية المستدامة من وجهة نظر مدراء المدراس (دراسة حالة على محافظة مسقط)
  45. التعلّم المهني للمعلمين في سلطنة عمان: نموذج القياس وواقع الممارسة
  46. تصورات مديري المدارس الحكومية لمفهوم الاقتصاد القائم على المعرفة ومتطلباته في التعليم المدرسي بسلطنة عمان
  47. القيادة التحويلية وعلاقتها بالصحة التنظيمية في مدارس التعليم الأساسي بسلطنة عمان Transformational leadership and its relationship with organizational health in basic education�…
  48. Barriers to Teacher Participation in Decision-making in Egyptian Secondary schools
  49. The Degree of Teachers' Empowerment in Public Schools in Muscat Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman from Their Point of View