General administeration of Human Resources

Employees' Care Administration

Employees' Care Administration presents  distinguished services for employees and their families.
Employees' Care Administration aims at granting employees accurate, speedy and easy medical, social cultural and recreational services.
- Prepare and implement inspiring programs that unite all employees and promote team work spirit among them.
- Offer medical, social, cultural and recreational services for employees and their families.
Types of Services
Medical Services
 Compulsory Health Insurance Fund:1. 
Every employee is entitled to receive medical services as soon as he/she receives work. It includes medical examination in Health Insurance Clinics or a referral letter to get sick leave. 
Notify the employee of all documents and data required to get his/her Medical card from Health Insurance Office. Such a card is exclusive for the use of the employee, not for the use of any of his/her relatives.
Click here to download a sample letter of referral for medical examination
2. The project of treating workers  and their families Unit at Mansoura University (optional)
A member is not entitled to join Treating workers and their Families Unit  and Medical Care Fund simultaneously
Colleagues are guided  to subscribe and to know the benefits available
Applications are to be submitted to the employer after specifying the desired subscription category:
As for the member (including husband / wife and children) will get a discount of 2% of the basic salary
The member, his family and his parents, will get a discount of 3.5% of the basic salary
The executive decision of deduction shall be issued and the Entitlement section of the university shall be informed
      Click here to download the application form
  3- Medical Care Fund for Staff Members at Mansoura University (optional):
The member is not entitled to join the Unit of Treatment of Workers and that of Medical Care Fund at the same time.
    • Colleagues are guided to learn how to participate and to know the   benefits available.
The age of the member at the time of filling the application does not exceed 40 years.
For the staff member to participate, 15 days of exam bonus will be deduced annually. For each member of the family of  the staff, 3% of the basic salary per month will be deduced 
An application is submitted to Prof. / Director of the Medical Care Fund. The applicant should determine the category of subscription, for himself/herself or a member of the family. Yet, the applicant is not allowed to subscribe for parents.
 اضغط هنا لتحميل نموذج الطلب  
Click here to download the application form
: Attached to the application form is a copy of Identity card of the staff  member.
An indication from Mr.Maher Abdelgawad, who is working at  Faculty of Education and responsible for Employees Treatment Unit,  is also required to indicate  that the applicant is not benefiting from Employees Treatment Unit.
 For more details about hospitals and doctors, please see the Fund's services on the website of Damietta University
4.Referral Service to the Medical Committee in Mansoura to get treatment and disperse medicine 
For those participants in Employees Treatment Unit and their families at Mansoura University  or for  those staff members  participating in Medical Care Fund  at Mansoura University, a letter is addressed to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and the chairman of the Medical committee.
Click here to download the letter form                                      اضغط هنا لتحميل نموذج الخطاب
**Social Benefit 
((On injuries, operations and glasses
Rules and Regulations:
1.The Social Benefit committee shall be held four times a year at the end of each quarter.
2. Dispersal is done through the item of social and physical services for workers.
3. All or part of the amount of the subsidy may be disbursed in the light of the available funds.
4. Social benefit is an aid to the member and is not a refund of what the member has paid.
5. The member may apply for social assistance to the subordinate member as (husband / wife, children, father, mother). The assistance will be 50% of what is estimated for the member.
6. Social subsidiary  may not be disbursed for two different cases at the same session and shall not be spent more than twice in a fiscal year.
7. Social subsidiary shall not be paid to the delegates from and to the University.
8.  The social allowance shall not be paid to the university employees who are on leave without salary. (A child care leave is excluded for the worker).
9. The social subsidiary shall not be paid to the newly hired employees; it shall be dispersed only six months after receiving their work (except for the injuries and major illnesses of the members). To a subordinate member, it shall be dispersed only one year after the member has received the work.
10. The application may be submitted for the newly hired member for himself/herself or for one of his/her subordinate members.
11. For all types of births, the application is accepted from only one member. A couple is not allowed to present the same application twice.
12. No special requests are made  for plastic surgery, dental fillings or LASIK.
Required Documents:
1.Original medical report stamped with the attending physician / hospital stamped on (or a true copy) supported by (X-ray report or analysis)
2.Copy of the applicant's Identity Card
3.Prof of kinship of subordinate members
4. In case of childbirth (the gender of the child is mentioned in the report.
A copy of the child's birth certificate is required.
A proof  to the relationship of kinship to subordinate members.
As for caesarean, a report from a public or private hospital and not from the doctor in charge is required.
For normal delivery, a report from the operating physician shall be required.
5. In the case of requests for medical glasses (which is for the member only), the applicant shall provide the following:
   Original Optometrist's examination for the applicant's eye-glasses
• Copy of the optometrist's Identity Card
• Application shall be done at least every two years.
                                           Click here to download the file
(اضغط هنا لتحميل الملف)
  **صندوق رعاية العاملين  
**Staff Welfare Fund
After the establishment of Damietta University by Presidential Decree No. 19 of 2012 on 11/7/2012 and its independence from Mansoura University,  the council of Damietta University approved the memorandum of the legal advisor to the president of the university at that time to establish a fund for the welfare of workers in Damietta on 29/7/2013.
 Article (4) of Staff Welfare Regulations states :
"To enjoy the benefits of the Fund, the member shall be required to pay the prescribed value from the examination fees for three courses or to pay in cash."
 Note: To enjoy the benefits, discount is made annually during July of each year for the whole fiscal year.  
لتحميل النموذج الخاص بسداد القيمة نقدًا اضغط هنا   Click here to download the cash payment form
Fund Provided Services:
Pension Referral Grant Form. To download click here
Death Grant Form    To download Click here
A subsidy form  (sick leave, maternity leave, marriage)  to download click here
Loan form (sick leave, marriage, schools). To download click here.
More details of the services available and the regulations can be found on the same website here.
Services of the trade union affiliated to the General Trade Union of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Services for the following cases:
1. The member getting married
2. Pension
3. Subsidy for the member 's sickness
4. Death of the member him/herself, wife/husband, children, father or mother
To download the form click here
**Visa Card
Al-Ahly BankVisa cards for electronic payment are handed to colleagues. The bank shall be addressed in all cases of lost cards or lost passwords.
To download the Al-Ahly Bank approved form click here
**Donation to charity
The application shall be submitted, specifying the amount to be deducted monthly and the charity to which it is transferred.
• An executive decision is issued and the benefits are notified
        To download the application form click here

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