General administeration of Human Resources

Job description

General Department for Developing Human Resources

The department is responsible for the following:

·   Contributing to the laying out of the general policy related to the different areas of work practiced by the General administration of Human Resources

·    Following up the implementation of these policies.

·    Developing plans that would develop human resources working systems and follow up their implementation.

·    Developing a plan and distributing it among the administrations of the General Department of Human Resources.

·     Coordinating work among the different administrations of the General Department of Human Resources to ensure proper functioning and smooth operation.

·     Representing the University in various meetings, committees and conferences on human resources.

·     carrying out financial and administrative authorities within the limits of the mandates.

·   Holding regular meetings with the directors of the administrations of Human Resources Departments to discuss and work on solving business problems.

·    Any other tasks related to the nature of the job.

First:  Personnel Department- General:

The department is responsible for the following:

·   The implementation of the provisions of Law 47 of 1978 and its amendments together with its executive regulations regarding all issues concerning the affairs of employees, and the follow-up of the implementation of periodicals regulating the procedures

·   Carrying out the work of the university's personnel affairs in addition to making proposals and recommendations that would lead to the development of personnel affairs systems together with developing the necessary plans and programs to put these policies into practice while following up the requirements for implementation and working on providing them.

·   Following up the implementation of laws, decisions and regulations concerning the affairs of employees in all areas related to service systems, appointments, settlements and promotions, periodic allowances, incentive allowances, pensions, benefits, files, vacations, care for employees, and termination of service.

·   Receiving topics that are to be presented to the Committee of Personnel Affairs, reviewing its notes, preparing an agenda to be presented to the Committee of Personnel Affairs, following up the implementation of the decisions decided by the committee in light of the established laws and regulations, and carrying out the work of the committee secretariat  

·   Working on spreading periodicals and publications related to the application of rules and laws in order to be used as a guide, together with linking the different units of the university together regarding all areas related to the affairs of employees

·   Reviewing the position of recruitment of all employees in the university faculties and affiliated units

·   Implementation of civil service decisions and laws governing this; such decisions and laws which are related to the affairs of settlements, the annexation of service periods, and practical experiences

·    Reviewing the certificates of experience granted to employees

·     Working on editing application forms for workers' benefits, wages, incentives and all their allowances

·     Preparing periodic reports and efficiency reports for employees, and submitting them to the Personnel Committee for approval

 - Any other tasks related to the nature of the job

Second: - Department of Personnel Affairs (Special Staff):

It is responsible for the following:

·   Taking the needed procedures for appointment either through advertising and commissioning, and going through the subsequent process of examining files and presenting them to the University Council (in the case of faculty members and the president of the university), and to the president of the university in the case of their assistants

·   Taking the procedures of staff assignment to and from the university

·   Taking the executive measures to issue decisions of secondment, travel to attend conferences, scientific missions, seminars, training courses and official tasks

·    setting up training boards for teaching staff and their assistants

·    Issuing decisions to appoint deans, vice-deans, heads of departments and vice-presidents of the university

·    Taking measures to appoint teaching staff members and their assistants to vacancies

·    Participating in the preparation of the draft budget for the first part (chapter)

·    Reviewing and completing the files of faculty staff members, and keeping all documents in them.

·    Taking the procedures for service termination

·   Taking appointment procedures for full-time and part-time professors and making accreditation inventory of the funds required for them from all their dues.

·   Cooperating with colleges in answering all inquiries and solving problems.

·    Preparing certificates of expertise.

·    Following up and \submitting financial disclosures to the anti-racketeering administration

·    Recording and updating the data of teaching staff members on computers.

·    Any other tasks related to the nature of the job.

Third: - Benefit Administration:

It is responsible for the following:

·        Implementing laws and instructions governing work.

·        Preparing lists of benefits, additional wages and incentive bonuses.

·        Following up the completion of the salary deduction procedure, in accordance with the laws and decisions issued in this regard.

·        Editing forms, implementing various deductions and working on paying them.

·        Making annual tax adjustments and following up the implementation of tax deduction rules, in accordance with the laws.

·        Conducting the transfer of salaries to banks and monitoring its movement.

·        Editing forms for social allowances granted by the state to its employees.

·        Implementing periodic books and ‘fatwas’ (advisory opinion with an Islamic orientation), that come from competent authorities.

·        Working on, maintaining and updating all records, books and papers related to the domain of benefits for employees and faculty teaching staff members

·        Developing the working methods in the administration by developing new working systems and developing the list, with the aim of simplifying working procedures, and thus speeding up the completion of work.

·        Regulating the preservation of periodic books and the decisions that govern the work of benefits in terms of classification.

·        Following up and implementing the discount procedures resulting from the implementation of judicial decisions.

·        Following up the response to the repealed decisions received from the regulatory agencies working in this field.

·        Following up the training of management staff and developing their skills and information coming up from self-training processes.

·        Following up the response to the inquiries and correspondences of faculties within the limits of the applicable laws and decisions.

    - Any other tasks related to the nature of the job.

Fourth: - Pension Administration:

It is responsible for the following:

·        Developing action plans to ensure the proper functioning of the administration.

·   Following up the payment of the government's share, worker's share, savings, premiums and replacements of the General Insurance and Pensions Authority.

·        Following up the procedures of pension and bonus settlement.

·        Any other tasks related to the nature of the job.

Fifth: - Service Documents Administration:

It is responsible for the following:

·     Receiving and reviewing the department's inbox from all university units before receiving it.

·     Creating files for administrative staff, teaching staff and their assistants

·    Receiving publications, periodicals and incoming decisions, and keeping them in their files.

·   Saving files, holding their records, and reviewing the documents and records that are saved to ensure their integrity before keeping them.

·    Extracting different data from the documents in the files

·    Preparing, reviewing and delivering severance files to the Pension Department

·    Reviewing recruitment papers and financial disclosure declarations and file them out

·    Receiving orders and decisions for employees, filing them and keeping them with evidence and proofs

-Taking the necessary measures to send service files to the authorities upon request, reviewing them and saving them when they come back to administration.

·   Carrying out work related to keeping the documents in files, working on indexing them and preserving them by modern scientific methods in order to keep them and fasten finding them when necessary.

  - Any other tasks related to the nature of the job.

 Sixth: - Administration of employees care

It is responsible for the following:

·   Preparing policies and implementing programs that lead to instilling the spirit of cooperation and the team spirit among all university staff, and consolidating the relationships among them.

·        Developing studies and researches to find out the problems of workers in different sectors of the university.

·        Implementing sports programs and organizing competitions between the university and other universities.

·   Organizing the ideal man-worker and the ideal woman-worker competitions at the university, and developing them in order to encourage more workers.

·   Organizing concerts, seminars and festivals, and holding exhibitions in the light of approved plans in a way that would enhance the artistic activities at the university.

·         Organizing and developing cultural, social and sports trips.

·   Implementing programs and systems of medical treatment for workers and their families in accordance with the policy established by the university administration.

·   Establishing and organizing consumer cooperative markets in the university in cooperation with the competent agencies of the state and preparing and organizing a time schedule for the workers’ dealing with the markets to save working time.

·   Implementing programs to facilitate the participation of employees in sports and cultural clubs, professional associations, theatres and the public sector, in co-operation with officials in these entities.

·   Organizing and managing summer resorts for the university workers through their participation with reduced fees, and establishing rules, instructions and methods of dealing and cooperation among vacationers during the summer period.

·   Developing and implementing visit programs to Egyptian museums and monuments, the country's tourist attractions, major factories, and developing the national spirit among workers and informing them of the achievements in the country.

·   Implementing programs of establishing a housing cooperation association, especially for the unit workers and helping the workers along the stages of furnishing and publicity by making use of such services provided by the state or by facilitating the participation of workers in the cooperative housing associations allowing them to benefit from their services, if the establishment of a unit housing association is not granted.

·   Managing the funds of social integration associations and urging employees to take the initiative in establishing such funds and associations.

  -Any other tasks related to the nature of the job.

Training Administration:

It is responsible for the following:

·   Identifying and categorizing the university's training needs using appropriate scientific means and resources.

·   Identifying the functional characteristics of the university's functional community by collecting the necessary data in order to help develop the necessary training plans.

·   Preparing training plans that will achieve compatibility between the training needs of the university and the objectives that the university aims at through training.

·   Designing specific curricula for internal training programs and determining the means of implementing them in accordance with the university's capabilities.

·   Contacting the competent departments of the central authority for organization and management to take the necessary action towards the adoption of the training plan of the university.

·   Representing the university in training conferences and seminars carried out by the agency or any other institution specialized in training.

·   Applying methods that would achieve cooperation between the different university units and the training center to ensure the achievement of the desired goal of training.

·    Preparing a guide of the trainers in the way that would benefit the university, and keeping cards for them.

·        Implementing the training activities included in the plan and putting a time schedule for holding them.

·   Announcing various training programs and spreading awareness of training among university staff through programs, seminars and leaflets.

·   Preparing the annual report stating the activities and the achievements of training at the university and providing the central agency for organization and administration with a copy.

·    Setting up and organizing training records.

·    Following up the implementation and evaluation of training programs to be used to achieve the right path of the training programs.

·   Organizing how to identify the views and training needs of employees related to the type of work assigned to them.

·    Studying the objectives of the General Development Plan in order to be taken into account when preparing the university's training plan.

-Any other tasks related to the nature of the job

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