Affiliate administrations

General Administration for Engineering Affairs

General Administration for Engineering Affairs

Terms of Reference


-           Establishing the general policy in the field of engineering, developing pertinent plans and programs in engineering (buildings - mechanics - garden electrical services - cars) and monitoring the implementation of these programs.

-           Ensuring engineering and technical supervision over university constructions & facilities and planning delivery criteria and finish up procedures within the demands of competent authorities.

-           Participating with the organization and management departments in setting up work performance rates.

-           Preparing the designs necessary for projects in various engineering fields.

-           Preparing studies for analyzing university needs (of lands, buildings and various mechanical, electrical, and engineering equipment).

-           Monitoring the implementation of engineering projects under the the administration’s supervision.

-           Planning and completing the necessary maintenance work for buildings, furniture, and equipment at University and monitoring progress.

-           Maintaining various means of transport and equipment at university.

-           Taking all measures necessary with regard to public tender processes and annual contracts and participating in auctions of slow moving and equipment inventory.

-           Preparing annual reports on the engineering department activities and submitting them to the direct manager for taking necessary actions.

Any other pertinent tasks and responsibilities

First: Project and construction management

Terms of Reference

  • Collaborating with officials in setting up the general policy of engineering and construction projects.
  • Implementing plans, timelines and projects necessary for applying the general policy in engineering projects and construction expansions done at university.
  • Implementing engineering, water networks and sewerage projects under the supervision of the General Administration for Engineering Affairs, within the means and resources available to it.
  • Ensuring engineering and technical supervision over university construction projects and facilities and planning finish up and repair procedures within the demands of pertinent authorities.
  • Executing university construction projects and studying the university needs (in terms of land and buildings) as well as suggestions of affiliate colleges.
  • Preparing periodic and annual reports on the activities of the general administration for engineering affairs and submitting them to the direct manager.
  • Any other pertinent tasks and responsibilities.


Second: Maintenance and restoration management

Terms of Reference

  • Preparing plans and programs necessary to put the university’s general maintenance policy into action and monitoring progress and productivity of educational workshops.
  • Ensuring engineering and technical supervision over university construction projects and facilities and planning finish up and repair procedures within the demands of pertinent authorities.
  • Setting up a plan for periodic and annual maintenance of all workshop machinery and equipment for ensuring proper and productive use in education.
  • Developing a maintenance policy for university constructions (i.e. buildings, lands, mechanical and electrical tools, workshops, and technical and engineering laboratories).
  • Monitoring the implementation of the periodic and annual maintenance plans for college and workshop machinery and equipment.
  • Preparing all periodic and annual reports on workshop and maintenance activities and submitting them to the direct manager to take necessary actions and monitor progress.
  • Monitoring repair and maintenance work at different university units (of equipment and furniture) as well as pay back production processes within the requirements set out in current regulations.
  • Any other pertinent tasks and responsibilities.


Third: Traffic and Transportation Management

Terms of Reference

  • Connecting University to a transportation network for ensuring faster communication among units through an automatic central linking all organizational units together.
  • Preparing lists of work telephone numbers and those of employees for reference upon request.
  • Using cultural means of communication to contact the outside world as well as other universities and institutions.
  • Providing means of transportation for university staff members.
  • Preparing and following up operating orders and monitoring motor traffic to ensure their operation within the specified purposes and endorsed traffic plans.
  • Providing all means of transportation necessary for meeting the needs of different university units and different activities.
  • Providing periodic maintenance and monitoring vehicle repairs.
  • Supervising university vehicular traffic and other means of transportation.
  • Providing vehicle records and car logs containing comprehensive data about each’s technical and operational serviceability.
  • Monitoring the control and recordkeeping of fuel and oil consumption of cars and other vehicles.
  • Taking measures for issuance and renewal of drivers' licenses and keeping pertinent records.
  • Applying instructions and regulations governing the use of government vehicles and other means of transportation.
  • Carrying out maintenance work pertinent to daily operation and taking measures regarding general and periodic maintenance of cars inside or outside university workshops.
  • Preparing reports on the operation activities of various means of transportation.
  • Any other pertinent tasks and responsibilities.


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